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The most versatile plugin for assigning commands to blocks!

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CommandBlocks allows you to automatically execute commands when players use signs, buttons, pressure plates and other blocks! This can be quite useful when you want special actions to trigger if a player interacts with specific blocks!

Key Features

  • Create as many CommandBlocks as you want; There are no limits whatsoever!
  • Easy to use and set up; Simple and clear commands and permissions! The installation is simply drag-and-drop!
  • Lightweight; CommandBlocks is designed to be as light on your server as possible!
  • Heavily customisable; Everything can be customised, from the permission required to use a CommandBlock, to the messages and commands that should be executed!
  • Works on most recent Minecraft versions; Older versions are also supported through previous plugin releases.
  • Create CommandBlocks the way you want; They can be created not just with commands in-game, but also through the console, using command blocks, and even from rcon!
  • Support for all blocks; All block types are supported! This includes signs, buttons, pressure plates and all other solid blocks!
  • Timeouts; Can be set up to only allow a player to use the CommandBlock once every few seconds!
  • Delays; Can be added to execute the command a couple of seconds after the player has interacted with the CommandBlock!
  • Economy integration; Have your players pay in order to use a CommandBlock!

Commands & Permissions

/commandblocks (/cb) Main command. Shows basic information about the plugin.

/commandblocks help Displays a list of available commands. commandblocks.help

/commandblocks reload Reloads all configuration files. commandblocks.reload

/commandblocks list Lists all currently defined CommandBlocks. commandblocks.list

/commandblocks create (coords | current ) Allows you to create a new CommandBlock commandblocks.create

/commandblocks remove Allows you to remove an existing CommandBlock commandblocks.remove

Default permission to use a CommandBlock commandblocks.use

Default permission to bypass cost commandblocks.cost.bypass

Default permission to bypass timeout commandblocks.timeout.bypass

Get notified of new CommandBlocks updates commandblocks.notify.update

Grant all permissions commandblocks.*

Initial Setup

To start using CommandBlocks, simply simply download it, drag the file into your plugins folder and restart your server. That's it! You can now login to your server and type '/cb help' to get an overview of the available commands. The configuration files have also been generated, which are located in '/plugins/CommandBlocks/'.


For economy integration to work properly, install Vault in addition to your preferred economy plugin

Important Notes

  • License and terms are located here.
  • CommandBlocks utilises bStats, which means that some statistical information is collected and sent to bstats.org.
  • The most common server implementations like Spigot and Bukkit are supported, however Paper is recommended for the best experience.
  • Running an older Minecraft version? Simply download a version of CommandBlocks which suits your needs here.


Published onAugust 27, 2023

Pinned Versions
