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Get vanilla minecraft caves in a custom world.

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Underilla is a plugin for Minecraft servers to 'merge' existing custom Minecraft word surfaces and vanilla undergrounds. It works by allowing the vanilla generation engine create chunks as normal, then intercepting the generator and forcing the surface of the original world, which works as a reference. In oder worlds, Underilla generates a brand-new world with vanilla undergrounds, but cloning the surface of an already existing world.

It's original purpose is adding vanilla caves to custom WorldPainter worlds, but it would perfectly work for any pre-generated world.


Main features

  • 4 merging strategies:
    • None: No actual vanilla underground noise is generated. generate_noodle_caves setting can still be on, to generate noodle caves.
    • Absolute: A Y coordinate value divides the original world surface and vanilla underground.
    • Surface: Mix the original world surface and vanilla underground at a variable y that depends of original & vanilla world surface. It have the best racio generated world quality & performance.
    • Relative: This is the cool one. The reference world's surface will be dynamically carved into vanilla underground; which means there's no actual height-based division.
  • Custom caves also supported. If using Relative merge strategy, every non-solid block and surroundings will be preserved, thus, if the reference world has itself an underground system, it'll be transferred over to the merged world.
  • Heightmap fixed. Underilla re-calculates heightmaps when merging chunks, getting rid of floating and buried structures. Vanilla villagers and other structures are placed at the right height.
  • Biome overwrite. Biomes from the reference world will be transferred and overwrite biomes from de vanilla seed being used. Cave biomes underground will be preserved.

Getting started


  • Java 17.
  • A pre-generated world to use as a reference (Such as a WorldPainter world).
  • A Spigot / Paper (or forks) Minecraft Server of version [1.19.4 - 1.20.4]. It might work with upper version, but only 1.19.4, 1.20.1, 1.20.2, 1.20.4 have been tested.

Single player or non-Bukkit

Underilla is currently only implemented as a Spigot plugin, so it runs only on Spigot (or fork) servers. If you have a Vanilla, Forge or non Bukkit-based server; or looking for a single player experience; you may use a local Spigot server to pre-generate a fully-merged world and then copy the resulting world folder to your actual saves folder.


  1. Set up your paper server.
  2. Download Underilla's .jar.
  3. Place Underilla's .jar file into the ./plugins directory of your server. Create the folder if it doesn't exist already.
  4. Into the ./plugins folder, create a new folder called Underilla and place a config.yml file in it. You may get the file from this repo.
  5. Open the bukkit.ymlfile in your server's root and add the following lines on top:
        generator: Underilla
    This will tell Spigot to use Underilla's chunk generator.
  6. In your server's root, create a new folder called world_base.
  7. From the folder of your reference world, copy the region folder, and paste it into the world_base folder you just created.
  8. If existing, delete the world folder fom your server's root.
  9. (Optional) Open the server.properties file in your server's root, and tweak the level-seed property. This has a direct impact on the generated underground.
  10. Run the server. You'll notice Underilla generating merged chunks during world creation.

Important: Make sure your server's main world is still set to world. Aside from this plugin, the server itself doesn't need to "know" about the reference world.


Underilla is significantly slower than the vanilla generator, as it doesn't relly on noise generation but on reading the reference world's region nbt files and analyzing its patterns to 'clone' its surface to a vanilla world. So, if your world is intended for heavy duty in a big server. It's recommended to pre-generate the whole reference world area with a chunk generator plugin, such as Chunky. I'm planning adding a build-in pre-generation system in the future.


Huge map generation can takes hours or even days, here is some stats about performance to help you choose your configuration settings. All tests have been done on paper 1.20.4 on a 1000*1000 map generation of the same world painter generated world with default settings except strategy. We can't garanty that your computer will be as fast as mine, but it should be enoth to imagine how much time your world will need.

  • Minecraft Vanilla generator (No Underilla) 1:36
  • None strategy 3:25 (2.13 times longer than Vanilla generation)
  • Absolute stategy 4:34 (2.85 times longer than Vanilla generation)
  • Surface srategy 4:32 (2.83 times longer than Vanilla generation)
  • Relative strategy 11:07 (6.94 times longer than Vanilla generation)

For a 50000 * 30000 world, it would take 40 hours to generate with Minecraft vanilla generator, 113 hours in surface strategie and 279 hours in relative.

Known issues

  • Underilla's generation disables Minecraft's chunk blender, which means there will be sharp old-school chunk borders at the edge of the reference world's chunks. This may be tackled by trimming your custom world chunks around the edges to generate blended chunks ahead of time.
  • Due to Spigot's generation API, outside the reference world's area, heightmaps are broken, which has an impact on structures. You may work around this by pre-generating the whole reference world area, and then disabling Underilla.
  • Relative strategy only: Little underground lava and water pockets will translate to odd floating blobs in the final world if they overlap with large caves. Avoid such generation patterns.
  • With kept biome & relative strategy only: As Underilla need to mix biome between the 2 world biome, it didn't edit Minecraft vanilla generator biome, this generator will places structures based on the seed, not the actual biomes. This results in structures sometimes in totally unrelated biomes. Shipwrecks, monuments and other ocean structures are the most noticeable. To work around this, you can get rid of kept biomes or you may blacklist structures as you wish in the config file, and spawn them manually using /place or use a plugin to place them as WorldPopulatorH.

WorldPainter considerations

If you're going to plug your custom WorldPainter world into Underilla, consider before exporting:

  • Disable caves, caverns, and chasms altogether, allow Underilla to take over that step. This is due to biome placement, every underground non-solid block in the reference_world drags its biome over along with it, this interferes with proper underground vanilla biomes.
  • Always disable the Allow Minecraft to populate the entire terrain option. Rather use the vanilla_population option in Underilla's config.yml file.
  • Don't user the resource layer. Underilla will have the vanilla generator take care of that for you.
  • The Populate layer has no effect. Weather all or none of the terrain will be populated based on the above point.
  • If you have custom cave/tunnels layers and want to preserve them during the merge, you'd want to use the Relative merge strategy


See the GitHub to build the project.


Thanks a lot to Jeshuakrc for creating this incredible project in 1.19.4 ! Since Minecraft 1.20, I'm maintaining the project. If you have any issues or have found a bug, please let me know here.


CategoryWorld Management
Published onMarch 14, 2024

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