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MessageBroadcast is a Minecraft plugin designed to send automated messages to players on your server. It provides the following features:
- Customizable Messages: Supports both plain text and JSON-formatted messages with optional prefixes.
- Flexible Broadcast Options: Messages can be sent in sequence (consistently) or chosen randomly.
- Permission Support: Restrict messages to players with specific permissions.
- Adjustable Cooldowns: Configure the delay between broadcasts to suit your needs.
- Easy Control: Start and stop the broadcasting task at any time via code or commands.
Plugin Commands
/broadcaster anoncerlist Description: Displays a list of all active announcers on the server. Permission: broadcaster.admin Usage: /broadcaster anoncerlist Example: /broadcaster anoncerlist will return a list of all announcer keys.
/broadcaster anoncer <start|stop> Description: Starts or stops a specific announcer. Permission: broadcaster.admin Usage: /broadcaster anoncer <start|stop>
This plugin is ideal for server announcements, tips, or general player communication.
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