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A simple minecraft Server Menu plugin (like hypixel's skyblock have).

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A simple Minecraft Server Menu plugin like Hypixel's Skyblock's "Skyblock Menu".
Fully customizable, you can customize this plugin by editing config.yml

Table of Contents


GameMenu is a lightweight and user-friendly plugin designed for Minecraft servers. It provides a customizable menu interface for server players, allowing easy navigation and access to server features and commands.


  • Easy to install and configure.
  • Customizable menu items and commands.
  • [PREMIUM] Supports multiple menu pages.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Lightweight and efficient.


To install the GameMenu plugin, follow these steps:

  1. Download the plugin: Download the latest version of the GameMenu plugin from here.

  2. Add the plugin to your server:

    • Place the downloaded JAR file into the plugins directory of your Minecraft server.
      [Note - This plugin will work on both spigot and paper server (may work on other also)]
  3. Start the server: Simply Start your Minecraft server to load the plugin.

  4. Verify installation: Once the server is started, verify that the plugin is loaded by running the command /plugins in the server console or in-game. You should see GameMenu listed among the loaded plugins.


The GameMenu plugin comes with a default configuration file that can be customized to your liking. To configure the plugin:

  1. Navigate to the plugins/GameMenu directory.
  2. Open the config.yml file in a text editor.
  3. Modify the configuration options to suit your needs. Below is the default configuration:
# AUTHOR: Loghot (ItzLoghotXD)
# WIKI: https://github.com/ItzLoghotXD/GameMenu/wiki
# Copyright (c) ItzLoghotXD 2024-2024. All rights reserved.
#   The custom item which is used for
#   server menu which is present in
#   player's hotbar
#   The default gui which is opens when
#   player execute 'gm menu' command
#   %player% - Returns player name
#   %online% - Returns number of players online
#   %online_max% - Returns number of max player slots
#  (https://hangar.papermc.io/HelpChat/PlaceholderAPI)
#   You can use minecraft color codes
#   like '&a' for green you can find all
#   code here https://www.digminecraft.com/lists/color_list_pc.php

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
# | SERVER MENU ITEM SETTINGS                |
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
  material: NETHER_STAR   # The material which is use for this custom item. (you can find all item names here
  # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ItzLoghotXD/GameMenu/main/Materials.txt)
  display_name: '&aServer Menu &7(Right Click)'   # The display name of this item
  lore:   # Lore(s) of this item
    - '&7View all of your Server'
    - '&7progress, including your Skills,'
    - '&7Collections, Recipes, and more!'
    - ''
    - '&eClick to open'

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
# | SERVER MENU/GUI SETTINGS                 |
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#
  slots: 54   # Total number of slots in the gui (if you enter any number which is not divisible by 9
  # it will auto adjust it. minimum valid number is 9 and maximum is 54)
  title: '&aServer Menu'   # The title of this menu
  items:   # You can set items here which will be in the menu
    # Some example items
      material: ANVIL   # The material which will be displayed in the menu for this item
      slot: 8   # The number of slot in which the item will be
      amount: 1   # The Amount of items in a slot
      glow: false   # Whether the item glow or not
      display_name: '&aReport Island Name'   # The display name of this item
      lore:   # Lore(s) of this item
        - '&7You can report this island'
        - '&7if you think it has an'
        - '&7in appropriate name.'
        - ''
        - '&eClick to Report it!'
      commands:   # The list of commands which will be executed when the player will right/left click on it
        # (It has a built-in command 'CLOSE' which will close the menu and if you put 'CONSOLE: ' in before
        # any command it will execute it as console else player)
        - 'CONSOLE: say edit the config.yml file in the plugin/GameMenu folder'
        - 'CONSOLE: say Visit me at paper hangar: https://hangar.papermc.io/ItzLoghotXD/GameMenu'
        - 'CONSOLE: say Visit me at modrinth: https://modrinth.com/plugin/game-menu'
        - 'CONSOLE: say Visit me at spigot: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/gamemenu.122426'
        - 'CONSOLE: say or found any issue then report it here: https://github.com/ItzLoghotXD/GameMenu/issues'
      material: CRAFTING_TABLE
      slot: 31
      amount: 1
      glow: false
      display_name: '&aCrafting Table'
        - '&7Opens the Crafting Grid.'
        - ''
        - '&eClick to open!'
        - 'CONSOLE: say edit the config.yml file in the plugin/GameMenu folder'
        - 'CONSOLE: say Visit me at paper hangar: https://hangar.papermc.io/ItzLoghotXD/GameMenu'
        - 'CONSOLE: say Visit me at modrinth: https://modrinth.com/plugin/game-menu'
        - 'CONSOLE: say Visit me at spigot: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/gamemenu.122426'
        - 'CONSOLE: say or found any issue then report it here: https://github.com/ItzLoghotXD/GameMenu/issues'
      material: BARRIER
      slot: 49
      display_name: '&4Close'
        - 'CLOSE'

Save the changes and reload the plugin by typing /gamemenu reload in the console to apply the new configuration.


Once the GameMenu plugin is installed and configured, all players can use the menu by executing the command /gamemenu menu in-game or by right-clicking when they are holding the custom server_menu_item. This will open the server menu with the configured items.


The GameMenu plugin provides the following commands:

  • /gamemenu - The default command.
    • aliases - /gm
    • usage - /gamemenu <subcommand>
  • /gamemenu help - Shows the usage of every command.
  • gamemenu menu - Opens the Main menu.
  • gamemenu reload - Reloads the plugin


The GameMenu plugin uses the following permissions:

  • gamemenu.command.gm - Allows a player to use the default command.
  • gamemenu.command.help - Allows a player to use the help subcommand.
  • gamemenu.command.menu - Allows a player to open the Main menu
  • gamemenu.command.reload - Allows a player to reload the plugin.


Contributions to the GameMenu plugin are welcome! If you would like to contribute, please follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
  3. Make your changes and commit them with descriptive messages.
  4. Push your changes to your forked repository.
  5. Create a pull request to the main repository.

Please ensure that your code follows the project's coding standards and includes appropriate tests.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


Thank you for using GameMenu! If you have any questions or need support, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.

I work on this Project with the little amount of free time that I have. Please feel free to donate via Crypto any amount you desire to show your support, and help me stay motivated to keep this project going. Thank You!

  • Bitcoin (BTC) Address: bc1qgarxwpp4rn3y5h8hwmhc6a5cpwzqqu3p5pun07
  • Litecoin (LTC) Address: LaHYbGK3ysnGQyC8PNmrFkZu3xvDfFQg14
  • Ethereum (ETH) Address: 0xE842deFED402339F77637e95cD09d7b3820630ac
  • Solana (SOL) Address: HcXwLbebt7mvjc69we8jnQtBGSAcB9U5rnbAMQeRAdSD
  • Dogecoin (DOGE) Address: DKgToq8vnBHTgik3iQnm3r3r4mnqvXy4Um


Published onJanuary 6, 2025

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