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Lets you customise player name colors across chat, tab list, and in-game nametags (i.e. the names above players' heads).

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ChromaTag is a powerful and user-friendly Minecraft plugin that allows players to customise their name colors across chat, tab list, and in-game nametags (i.e. the names that appear above players' head).

Key Features:

  • Custom colors via hex codes or predefined color names
  • Color display in chat, tab list, and above player heads
  • Permission-based color management
  • Persistent color storage
  • Seamless integration with Essentials if present, but fully functional as a standalone plugin


  • /chromatag <color> [player]: Set your own or another player's name color. Color can be a hex code (e.g., #FF0000) or a predefined color name (e.g., red, blue, dark_aqua etc.).
  • /chromatag reset [player]: Reset your own or another player's name color to default.


  • chromatag.use: Allows use of the ChromaTag command (op only)
  • chromatag.set: Allows setting name colors (op only)
  • chromatag.reset: Allows resetting name colors to default (op only)

Essentials Integration

Essentials is not required for Chromatag to fully function, but for integration purposes ChromaTag will detect if the Essentials plugin is present on your server. This integration ensures that player nicknames set through Essentials maintain the color assigned by ChromaTag.

Note - you may want to modify your Essentials configuration by doing the following to get rid of the annoying tilde (~) before player's names:

  1. Open your Essentials config.yml file.
  2. Find the nickname-prefix setting.
  3. Change it to an empty string like this:
    nickname-prefix: ''

Support Me

Donations will help me with the development of this project.

One-off donation: https://ko-fi.com/lolwhatyesme

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lolwhatyesme


Published onOctober 5, 2024

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