Plugin add few new mechanics into the game.
The ability to repair anvils by simply clicking on them with an iron block (you can change the block and its quantity for repair in the config)
If the player walks on the grass, a path remains behind him. At first, a block of grass turns into a block of earth, but if you walk this route too often, the block of earth will become a path block (the chance can be configured in the config)
If you punch a passive animal, then the rest of the passive animals within a radius (the radius is configured in the config) will start to run away in a panic in different directions
Fire arrows now have a chance to set fire to blocks that can burn (the chance can be configured in the config)
Now if a player stands on a stonecutter, he receives damage (the amount of damage can be configured in the config). It can also work on mobs (can be turned on or off in the config)
When shooting at a player with a Crossbow with the Piercing enchantment, the shield of the player hit will block and the player will be knocked back. The strength and duration of the blocking depends on the level of the enchantment
Exploding an end crystal will now not explode blocks
More tweaks will be added in feature updates and you can offer more in my discord
My discord: