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A staff ban request GUI system. | Useful for lower level staff to request a ban from an admin.

Report EpicBanRequests?

This plugin was created for a friend and will not be updated as often.

The plugin's config is used as data storage and for configuration:

You can look back at old requests by reading this config. You can also use {uuid} for the ban command.

The server administrator(s) can configure messages sent by the plugin in the messages.yml file. (Since version 1.4)

Commands: /requestban

Permissions: requestban.view: Can accept or deny ban requests. (/requestban view) requestban.use: Can submit a ban request. requestban.notify: Players that have this permission will be notified when a ban request is created.

This plugin uses bStats: https://bstats.org/plugin/bukkit/EpicBanRequests


This project is on GitHub and is licensed under the MIT.


CategoryAdmin Tools
Published onApril 28, 2023

Pinned Versions
