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Want to rename items? or maybe even relore them? / Good Minecraft EULA compliant donor perk.

Report EpicRename?


  • /rename
    Renames the item in hand.
  • /lore <line1|line2|line3>
    Adds lore to the item in hand.
  • /setloreline
  • /addloreline
  • /removeloreline
    Remove a certain line of lore on the item in hand.
  • /insertloreline
  • /glow
    Adds an enchantment glow to the item in hand.
  • /removeglow
    Removes the enchantment glow introduced to the item in hand by /glow.
  • /removename
    Removes any custom name from the item in hand.
  • /removelore
    Removes any custom lore from the item in hand.
  • /hideenchantments
    Hides any enchantments on the item in hand.
  • /unhideenchantments
    Reveals any enchantments hidden by /hideenchantments on the item in hand.
  • /editname
    Allows a player to start editing the name of the item in hand.
  • /editlore
    Allows a player to start editing the lore of the item in hand.
  • /epicrename <help, license, reload, debug>
    A server administrator command that provides plugin reload and debug information.
  • /export <hand, inventory>
    A server administrator command that allows creation of a web link that can be used to transfer items to other servers or friends.
  • /import <hand, inventory>
    A server administrator command that allows loading of a web link from the /export command or pastebin.

The permissions are listed at: https://github.com/JustBru00/RenamePlugin/wiki/Permissions-List

If this plugin is useful to you feel free to buy me a pizza. Please don't post bugs in reviews. Use the discussion thread.


PsychoThePsycho, alexanderevain, Bloodshot_pico, vrx64, PixelCollectorr


Published onApril 23, 2023

Pinned Versions
