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This plugin allows survival players to pay for personal keepInventory on death

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KeepInventoryCost is a Minecraft server plugin that allows survival players to keep their inventory and experience levels after they die.

If a player dies and has enough money in their bank, the configured amount gets automatically paid and the player keeps all their items and xp.


After adding the plugin .jar to your Paper Servers plugins/ folder (and resarting the server), KeepInventoryCost is ready to go.
By default everyones personal keep inventory setting is disabled. To enable your personal keep inventory simply run /keepinventory set true. Now, if you die, you automatically charged the amount of the cost setting. All your items and experience levels are saved in your inventory and will not be dropped. You will also receive an info message, saying you have been charged to keep your inventory.
If is not possible to withdraw from your bank account (for example your balance is too low), you will receive an information message and all your items and xp drop like normal.


KeepInventoryCost needs a Paper Server.

You also have to have the Vault plugin and a economy plugin of your choice already installed in order to connect to the users balance. Otherwise the plugin will automatically disable


Sorted by permission


This permission is set for everyone by default.

  • /keepinventory get Returns the players current setting.
  • /keepinventory set <true|false> Changes whether to pay or not after death.

This permission is set for operators by default.

  • /keepinventoryadmin reload Reloads changes made to the config.yml without restarting the server


Located at plugins/KeepInventoryCost/config.yml

Default contents:

# how expensive it is to keep their items after a death
cost: 100

# how messages should be displayed
  enabled: "Enabled"
  disabled: "Disabled"

  reload: "Successfully reloaded config!"
  setting.get: "Your KeepInv setting is currently %s."
  setting.set: "Your KeepInv setting is now %s!"
  setting.set_refuse: "Your KeepInv setting is already %s!"
  death.no_money: "You didn't have enough %s to pay for your items. You need %s."
  death.paid: "You paid %s to keep your items and XP!"


Type: integer

Defines how expensive it is to pay for keeping their inventory.

  • If its smaller than 0, it means its free to keep the inventory Even if the player has a negative balance.
  • Set to 0 to makes it free too, but the player must not have a negative balance (-> at least 0).
  • Anything greater than 0 means that amount will be withdrawn on players death to keep their inventory.

message.enabled message.disabled

The name of the state to be inserted in messages like message.setting.get


The message to show when the config file is reloaded by the /keepinventoryadmin command.


The message to show when the player executes the /keepinventory get command.


The message to show when the player executes the /keepinventory set command.


The message to show when the player executes the /keepinventory set command, but it was already on this state.


The message to show when the player dies and enabled keep inventory, but has not enough money.

  • The first parameter is the name of the currency.
  • The second parameter is the amount the player would have needed using cost and the name of the currency.


The message to show when the player dies, enabled keep inventory and has enough money.

  • The first parameter is the amount the player paid using cost and the name of the currency.


Published onJuly 9, 2023
