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Carry your House with you, Live like a Snail!

Report Schneckenhaus?

Makes it possible to craft snail shells (special shulker boxes), which you can enter by interacting with them. Inside a snail shell, you can build whatever you desire. After exiting the snail shell, you can take your house with you like a snail does. The plugin's name is German and translates to snail house.



  • Snail shells can be customized with a variety of colors and sizes.
  • The snail shell recipe can be customized.
  • A lot of commands, e.g. to create snail shells, receive information about them, teleport to them etc.
  • Commands provide tab completion for easier usage.
  • Snail shells can't be destroyed from the inside by players, e.g. using explosions.
  • Snail shells are safely stored in a separate world.


To craft a snail shell, by default, you need a shulker box and a spyglass. The more gold ingots you add to the recipe, the bigger the snail shell will be. The recipe can be changed in the config.yml file of this plugin.


Main command: /schneckenhaus or /sh /sh create Creates a snail shell with random size and color. /sh create Creates a snail shell with the specified size and random color. /sh create Creates a snail shell with the specified size and color. /sh info Shows information about the snail shell you are standing in. /sh info Shows information about the snail shell with the specified id. /sh giveShulker Gives you a shulker box connected to the snail shell you are standing in. /sh giveShulker Gives you a shulker box connected to the snail shell with the specified id.


Published onApril 21, 2024

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