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The lag killing plugin

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Kryptonite is a server optimiser and exploit patcher that heavily reduces the amount of time it takes to setup your server, whilst also ensuring that your server configurations are setup correctly. Kryptonite has two modules: KOS and EDB.

Kryptonite does not run automatically, it must be triggered using commands. See below for more information.

Whilst we've tested Kryptonite to the best of our ability to ensure quality and safety, you should backup your server as a precaution before using the software.

Kryptonite Optimisation System (KOS)

The Kryptonite Optimisation System runs with the /kos command - it manages your server's configurations to have the most performance-friendly values and reduce lag. The optimisations used in KOS are widely regarded by the community to be robust and to reduce lag by a substantial amount. You can learn more about KOS on our Wiki.

Whilst Kryptonite does not optimise the server directly, it enables a number of configuration optimisations built-in to your server software. Because of this you can uninstall the software after running the command, as Kryptonite does not need to be on the server once the process has been completed. However, keeping Kryptonite on the server will give you update messages which may contain additional optimisations in the future.

You need to restart your server after using KOS for it to take effect.

Exploit Database (EDB)

The Exploit Database runs with the /edb command - it handles the checking and patching of Exploits. A full list of patchable exploits is available on our Wiki.

Whilst Kryptonite does not patch exploits the server directly, it enables a number of configuration patches built-in to your server software. Because of this you can uninstall the software after running the command, as Kryptonite does not need to be on the server once the process has been completed. However, keeping Kryptonite on the server will give you update messages which may contain additional optimisations in the future.

You need to restart your server after using EDB for it to take effect.

Wiki and Support

We have an open wiki available if you need help with anything, it contains information regarding all aspects of Essence and how to use it. Just click the image below or visit lewmc.net/wiki! Wiki Not into Wikis? No problem! We also have a community Discord server that we regularly provide support in - visit lewmc.net/discord to join!


  • CraftBukkit, Spigot, Paper, Purpur, Pufferfish, or Folia. It will probably run on forks of these, we just haven't tested them.
  • Java 21 or above.
  • For specific Minecraft versions, please see the versions tab.


Kryptonite collects anonymous statistics including the number of servers running Kryptonite, the number of players, etc. using bStats, an open-source statistics service for Minecraft software. You can opt out in plugins/bStats/config.yml. bStats


GitHub If you like Kryptonite and you'd like to add something, feel free to contribute! We're over on GitHub at github.com/lewmilburn/kryptonite.


Published onMay 18, 2024
LicenseApache 2.0
Supports Folia

Pinned Versions


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