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Edit your server brand in debug screen (F3)

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Custom F3 Brand

Edit your server name in debug screen!

It's simple, it's powerful, it's fully customizable!
Set your custom message or animation in the debug screen (F3) of your server. You just need to edit the config of the plugin, it's easy and intuitive.


  • Spigot version
    • PlaceholderAPI support
  • Bungeecord version
  • Unfortunately Minecraft does not support Hexadecimal colors


  • You need at least Java 8.
  • Spigot version is only 1.17+ due to NMS changes. If you want to make the version compatible with older versions, fork the project on github, make the needed changes and make a pull request.


Download the plugin and put it in your plugins folder. If you are installing this plugin in a Spigot server download also ProtocolLib; Start the server and configure the config as you like then restart the server or type the command:

  • f3r for Spigot
  • bf3r for BungeeCord

That's it!


To contribute to this repository just fork this repository make your changes or add your code and make a pull request.


CustomF3Brand is released under "The 3-Clause BSD License". You can find a copy here.


Published onOctober 17, 2023
License3-Clause BSD
Supports Folia
