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Create custom ranks for PaperSpigot Minecraft servers, displayed in the tab list, chat, and above players.

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SlimeRanks is a powerful and flexible Minecraft plugin that allows server owners to create fully customizable ranks. These ranks can be displayed in the tab list, chat, and above players' heads to enhance the gaming experience.

✨ Features

  • 🔹 Custom Ranks: Create unlimited ranks with unique names, colors, and styles.
  • 📜 Multiple Display Options: Show ranks in the tab list, chat, and above players.
  • 🖼️ Custom Texture Support: Optionally assign textures as rank icons.
  • 🖥️ GUI: Manage ranks easy via the GUI.
  • 🔝 Tablist Priority: Customize the order in which players appear in the tab list.
  • 🚫 Toggleable Features: Choose where ranks should be displayed (e.g., only in tab and chat).
  • Advanced Configuration: Almost everything is configurable, from mechanics to messages.

📥 Installation

  1. Download the latest version of SlimeRanks.jar.
  2. Move the file to your Minecraft server's plugins folder.
  3. Restart the server to load the plugin.
  4. Configure ranks and settings in the ranks.yml file.

🛠 Commands & Permissions

Command Description Permission
/slimeranks about Displays information about SlimeRanks. slimeranks.admin
/slimeranks gui Opens the GUI to manage all ranks. slimeranks.admin
/slimeranks help Shows all available commands. slimeranks.admin
/slimeranks reload Reloads the plugin configurations. slimeranks.admin

🖥️ GUI Preview

image image

🖼️ Examples

Without Texture With Texture
Player List WithoutTexture WithTexture
Chat WithoutTexture WithTexture
Nametag WithoutTexture WithTexture


Published onFebruary 10, 2025
LicenseApache 2.0


Avatar for Lxca

