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Scoreboard Economy Plugin for Vault

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LyttleScoreboardEconomy is a Minecraft plugin that provides an economy system based on the player's score. It's built with Java and Maven, and uses the Vault API for economy interactions.


  • Player balance is stored and managed as a score.
  • Compatibility with Vault API 1.4.
  • Supports multi-world economy.
  • Provides a baltop command to display the top players by balance.
  • Provides a tokens command to interact with the player's balance.
  • Provides an API for interacting with the player's balance.


  1. Download the latest version of the plugin from the releases page.
  2. Place the downloaded .jar file into your server's plugins folder.
  3. Restart your server or use a plugin manager to load the plugin.


The plugin works automatically once installed. It integrates with Vault, so any plugin that uses Vault for economy transactions will be able to use LyttleScoreboardEconomy.


Here are the commands that players can use with LyttleScoreboardEconomy:

  • /baltop [page]: Displays the top players by balance. The optional page argument can be used to navigate through the list.
  • /tokens: Displays the player's current balance.
  • /tokens send <player> <amount>: Sends the specified amount of tokens from the command sender to the specified player.
  • /tokens balance [player]: Displays the specified player's balance. If no player is specified, it displays the command sender's balance.

Please note that the tokens command can only be run by a player.


LyttleScoreboardEconomy provides the following methods for interacting with a player's balance:

  • getBalance(OfflinePlayer player): Returns the balance of the specified player.
  • has(OfflinePlayer player, double amount): Checks if the player has at least the specified amount.
  • withdrawPlayer(OfflinePlayer player, double amount): Withdraws the specified amount from the player's balance.


If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please open an issue on GitHub.


Contributions are welcome! Please read the contributing guidelines before getting started.


All rights reserved. Before using or distributing this software, you must first obtain permission from the author. Please contact the author (Stualyttle Kirry) at Discord to request permission.


Published onJune 30, 2024

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