hostprofiles is a Minecraft plugin for various platforms that detects if a player joins the server on a specific address
hostprofiles is a Minecraft plugin for various platforms that detects if a player joins the server on a specific address and then logs them into a completely different game profile.
Here is a usage example: If your server address were, you could configure (the host) as a special host and map the player with the UUID of Joe to be logged with another, predefined UUID, use Admin_Joe as his username and have a completely different skin (the profile). You could then only give Admin_Joe administrator privileges. This means that if Joe joins using, he is logged in as Joe and could play as a normal player, but if he logs into is logged in as Admin_Joe and can do administrative tasks.
You can configure:
- Which profile (UUID, name and skin) a player trying to log in (identified by his UUID) is going to have
- If a player gets kicked if there is no entry for his UUID
- A special MOTD for every host
- If a player should keep his original skin, or use a profile skin
Right now, the spigot plugin is only available for 1.18.1, Paper works on 1.18.1 and above. Supported platforms are Paper and Spigot. If you use Paper you MUST also use the build for Paper, the spigot build is NOT going to work.
The Spigot and Paper builds are still very unstable, as they use various reflection tricks to change the game profile and retrieve the hostname. Because the Paper API provides a method to set the game profile on join, there is one less hack in there, so I would consider it preferable. The Velocity version uses only API, therefor is the most stable.
Velocity > Paper > Spigot
Problems or feature requests should be reported as issues on GitHub. If you have any questions or would like to receive quick support, you can do so on the my discord server.