This is a simple GUI based item editor.
With this Spigot plugin you can edit the following things: Name Lore Enchantments Item Flags Unbreakable toggle Durability
For all this commands, an item in your hand is required !
/fie : Open main GUI
/fie help : Show the help
/fie setlore [] : Set the lore
/fie rename [] : Set the name
/fie itemflags : Open itemFlags GUI
/fie enchant : Open enchant GUI
/fie setloreline
/fie setdurability <Durability | Half | Max> : Set the durability
/fie setLang <FR_FR, EN_US, Custom> : Switch the lang. (Custom can be any language, FR and EN are pre-configured)
fie = fastitemeditor (It's the same command)
Permissions: The only permission you need it's: fastitemeditor.use
Screens: Main GUI:
Rename GUI:
Lore edit:
Enchants GUI:
ItemFlags GUI:
For any support, contact me on discord: Mathildeuh