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Spark Expansion for MiniPlaceholders

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Spark Expansion for MiniPlaceholders

Supported Platforms

  • Paper
  • Velocity
  • Fabric (not yet)
  • Krypton (not yet)



Only available in Paper


Returns a formatted summary of the average TPS in the last 5s, 10s, 1m, 5m and 15m.


Returns a formatted representation of the average TPS in the last 5 seconds.


Returns a formatted representation of the average TPS in the last 10 seconds.


Returns a formatted representation of the average TPS in the last minute.


Returns a formatted representation of the average TPS in the last 5 minutes.


Returns a formatted representation of the average TPS in the last 15 minutes.

Tick Duration (MSPT)

Only available in Paper


Returns a formatted summary of the average tick durations in the last 10 seconds and 1 minute.


Returns a formatted representation of the average tick duration in the last 10 seconds.


Returns a formatted representation of the average tick duration in the last minute.

CPU Usage



Returns a formatted summary of the average CPU usage (system) in the last 10 seconds, 1 minute and 15 minutes.


Returns a formatted representation of the average CPU usage (system) in the last 10 seconds.


Returns a formatted representation of the average CPU usage (system) in the last minute.


Returns a formatted representation of the average CPU usage (system) in the last 15 minutes.



Returns a formatted summary of the average CPU usage (process) in the last 10 seconds, 1 minute and 15 minutes.


Returns a formatted representation of the average CPU usage (process) in the last 10 seconds.


Returns a formatted representation of the average CPU usage (process) in the last minute.


Returns a formatted representation of the average CPU usage (process) in the last 15 minutes.



Published onApril 23, 2023
Supports Folia
