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Most advanced skills & class plugin, forever free and opensource.

Report NT-Rpg?


The main approach is to provide an easy to use api and a flexible rpg system for spigot/paper servers.

This plugin is forever free & opensource. There wont ever be a paywall, or some paid feature-rich version.


  • Unlimited multiclassing environment

    • Do you want to have dnd like races, or maybe skyrim like star constellations? Everything is possible
  • Skill system, with skilltrees.

  • Common Rpg elements such as:

    • Attributes
    • Custom Mana and Hp system
  • User friendly menu inventories for everything

    • Comes with default datapack that is preconfigured for Oraxen and Itemsadder
  • Everything is highly configurable

If you would like to use the api and create new skills or enchantments you need to know either java, or be able to write small pieces of code in an custom made embeded scripting language.

If you dont mind that your skill ideas will become part of public skillpack feel free to request them either on discord server, or create an issue on the project’s github page.

Required dependencies:

Optional dependecies

While I call them optional, i would still strongly recommend to install them as well.

Default configuration assumes that you are running PAPI and ItemsAdder as well!

Other optional dependencies

You might already use these plugins, ntrpg hooks into them and provides additional functionality - usually some QoL improvements.

  • Holographic Displays
    • When a skill is casted hg is spawned with skill name near the caster
  • MMOItems
    • Item spells can be used in ntrpg skilltrees
    • MMOItems mana cost, class and level restrictions and hooked into ntrpg class system
  • MythicMobs
    • You can use config ntrpg.experiences for mobs to award players PVE experiences for killing MM managed mobs
  • RPG Regions
    • A new experience source RPG_REGIONS, that players are awarded when they discover a new region
  • Mimic
    • You can access ntrpg classes and levels via Mimic API


  • Any other plugin that manipulates with things such as player max health such as Heroes


Published onApril 16, 2023

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