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Create virtual currencies with custom commands, prefixes, exchanges and Vault support!

Report CoinsEngine?


CoinsEngine is a lightweight, highly customizable custom currency provider with built-in Vault integration.

No need in separate economy and points plugins anymore, CoinsEngine will do everything for you!



Follow this guide to install CoinsEngine.


  • Unlimited Currencies. Create as many currencies as you want.
  • Data Migration. Migrate player balances from other plugins with a single command.
  • Cross-Server. Share currency balances between your servers.
  • Plugin Integrations. CoinsEngine is supported by many popular plugins.
  • Database with SQLite and MySQL options.
  • Currency Decimals. Set whether currency is decimal or not.
  • Currency Prefix. Set custom currency prefix for all currency messages.
  • Start Value. Set currency start value for new players.
  • Amount Shortcuts. Provide large amounts in commands by using aliases.
  • Currency Format. Set custom format for each currency.
  • Currency Commands. Create direct, custom commands for your currencies.
  • Economy Commands. Provides common /pay, /balance and /balancetop commands when linked with Vault.
  • Permission Requirement. Restrict currency access by permissions.
  • Currency Exchange. Exchange one currency for another.
  • Balance Limit. Set max. possible balance value for each currency.
  • Balance Tops. View top players by their currency balance.
  • Toggle Payments. Toggle payments acception from other players for each currency individually.
  • Opertation Logs. Log all command-based currency operations into separate file!
  • Vault Support. Set desired currency to handle your economy.
  • PlaceholderAPI Support.


If you like my work or enjoy using my plugins, feel free to Buy me a coffee :) Thank you! 🧡


Published onDecember 15, 2024
