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A customizable and potential antivpn for your server, protect your server from VPNs and more. ✨

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Leave your review to improve this plugin. If you find any errors or bugs, kindly report them in the Discord server (my discord is imfoxer).

(my first time using database, don't kill me)


FoxGate (formerly, FoxAntiVPN) is a powerful tool designed to protect your Minecraft server from unwanted visitors using VPNs to bypass bans or for another reason, this allows server owners to detect and block VPN, Proxy and more in users quickly and efficiently. This use a lot of services that can detect VPN too much fast and efficiently, also you can add your custom service to detect. Extremely hard to bypass? Probably, because this has a lot of API's that detect this, if you has a lot of services enabled, this is more hard to bypass.

(Under how to implement a service in your config.yml)

   # Enable this service?
   enabled: true
   # Add this field in case requere key.
   key: "KEY"
   # Add the model to request the page, this
   # use JSON in case is invalid the value or
   # is not set.
   # Supported:
   model: "JSON"
   # This field is necessary. Insert your
   # service URL.
   # Remember:
   # %IP% = Return player's ip.
   # %KEY% = Return 'key' field value.
   url: "https://example-antivpn.com/check/%IP%?key=%KEY%"
   # Headers in case is necessary.
   # Set to: 'headers: []' to disable or only don't
   # add in the settings for this service.
     'Example-header': 'KEY'
   # Values to check.
   # This equal is necessary to determine.
     # Fields to check.
     # In case you disable this with adding
     # 'fields: {}' to exclude and only get if
     # 'type' option contains in the final request.
     # This is a example.
     - "vpn"
     # Type to determine.
     # If this return true/false, use "boolean", in case
     # this is string, only put string, example:
     # type: 'yes'
     type: boolean

Services available in default configuration.

All services in the configuration works correctly? I added some list of services that I finded, but I test if that works to add in the default configuration. You can still configure it values, edit or add more services (like the above example of configuration). Hey! I can't confirm if that services works correctly all the time, I recommend you enable the best options in case has problems.

Some services is disabled because require a key to work, 4 of this works without key and is enabled by default, remember to get a key to enable that services and get a better protection to VPN, Proxy and more!

  • IP-API
  • BlackBox
  • Rayzsde
  • SkyDB
  • FunkeMunky (knowed: Kauri)
  • BanProxy
  • VPN-API.xyz
  • IPQualityScore
  • IDCTeam (our)
  • ProxyCheck
  • AntiVPN NET
  • AntiVPN IO
  • IPHub
  • IPHunter

You want to know how is the configuration for services? See under, also, when a player is detected, to stop making request to the same VPN, this use a MySQL/SQLite database to prevent future request for a certain hours.


  • /foxgate <add/remove> - Add or remove a IP from the database, this is used to restringe access and don't make request for certain hours.
  • /foxgate verbose - Enable/Disable the verbose output.


  • foxav.notifications - See the notify message when a user is detected with VPN.
  • foxav.command - Permission used to use any commands of FoxGate.
  • foxav.bypass - Permission used to bypass the detection of AntiVPN.




CategoryAdmin Tools
Published onMay 4, 2024
Supports Folia
