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Simple economy plugin that let's you add multiple currencies

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Simple economy plugin that lets you add multiple currencies
Vault and PlaceholderAPI is supported.


  • /FancyEconomy - displays the commands for this Plugin.
  • /FancyEconomy reload - plugin config reload
  • /FancyEconomy version - checks for a new version of the plugin
  • /FancyEconomy currencies - shows a list of all currencies
  • /Balance - shows your balance (default currency)
  • /Balance (target) - shows a players balance (default currency)
  • /Pay (target) (amount) - pays a certain amount of (default currency) to a specified player
  • /Withdraw (amount) - Withdraw a certain amount of money
  • /Balancetop (page) - Shows the richest players

For each currency there will a command:

  • /(currency) balance - Shows your balance
  • /(currency) balance (player) - Shows a player's balance
  • /(currency) pay (player) (amount) - Pays money to a certain player
  • /(currency) withdraw (amount) - Withdraw a certain amount of money
  • /(currency) balancetop (page) - Shows the richest players
  • /(currency) set (player) (amount) - Sets the balance of a certain player
  • /(currency) add (player) (amount) - Adds money to a certain player
  • /(currency) remove (player) (amount) - Removes money to a certain player


FancyEconomy.balance - access to the /balance command
FancyEconomy.pay - access to the /pay command
FancyEconomy.withdraw - access to the /withdraw command
FancyEconomy.admin - access to the /FancyEconomy command
FancyEconomy.<currency> - access to the /(currency) balance|pay commands
FancyEconomy.<currency>.admin - access to the /(currency) set|add|remove commands


%FancyEconomy_balance% - displays the player's balance (default currency)
%%FancyEconomy_balance_<currency>%% - displays the player's balance for a certain currency


Published onJune 2, 2023

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