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An advanced lightweight kits plugin.

Report KitX?

KitX is an advanced lightweight kits plugin. You can create, delete and list all the kits made on the server. You can create kits with cooldowns and permissions.


  • /kitx create - To create a kit with a specific name
  • /kitx edit cooldown - To set a cooldown for how long a kit. Use suffixes s, m, h, and d to specify seconds, minutes, hours and days.
  • /kitx edit limit - To set the limit for how many times a kit can be used
  • /kitx edit permission - To set a permission for a kit
  • /kitx delete - To delete a kit by it's name
  • /kitx list - To list all the servers kits
  • /kitx help - To display the help section of the /kitx command
  • /kit - To get a certain kit. It will check the permission, limit and cooldown


  • kitx.admin - To use the /kitx command
  • kit.cooldown..bypass - To bypass a certain kit's cooldown
  • kit.limit..bypass - To bypass a certain kit's limit

If you need support with the plugin join our discord


Published onFebruary 3, 2024

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