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High-customizable SkyWars plugin with PlaceholderAPI and Vault hooks for Paper

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To add this plugin onto your server you should also have PlaceholderAPI, Vault, and any economy plugin compatible with Vault(like EssentialsX https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/essentialsx.9089/). Also you should have PostreSQL database connection, because this is the plugin requirement. For the first time some errors in the console may appear due to the improper database config(this is normal).

Hello, this guide will show you how to utilize this plugin.

First, you should create an arena(in one world you can create mutilpe arenas). You can create an arena using usage: /swcreate . is the minimum number of players on arena to begin the countdown. Remember the , you will need it in other commands.

Second, set the corners of the arena using /swsetcorner <1 | 2>. The corners that you set will be a shape of arena. They are the markers of the piece of world to save and restore the data while starting and finishing a game.

Third, add cabins. To do that, you should stand on the place where you want to player be spawned and type /swaddcabin . You should execute this command exactly numbers. If you feel you made a mistake while setting the cabins you can type/swresetcabins to delete all cabins from the specified arena. Moreover, if you want to remove an arena itself type /swarenaremove to remove an arena.

Now probably you want to set the spawn where all players will be spawned. To make this execute /swsetglobalspawn

Next, set the items and enchnantments that will be placed in the chests. To create and enchantment type /swcreateenchant : : ... where is the name of enchant like in the command /give @s bow{Enchantments:[{id:infinity,lvl:1},{id:mending,lvl:1}]} 1, where infinity and mending are valid for /swcreateenchant. For example, /swcreateenchant sharp1 sharpness 1:0.25 2:0.15 3:0.1 will create an enchantment with name sharp1 of type sharpness with probability of 1st lefel of 0.25, 2nd of 0.15 and 3rd of 0.1(and the zeroth level is equal to 1.0 - 0.25 - 0.15 - 0.1 = 0.5). Zeroth level can be omitted. To remove enchantment type /swenchantremove . To create the item that will apear in the chests during the game type /swcreateitem ... where item probability weight is responsible for the frequency of the item replatively to the others, is the name of item in the upper case like WOODEN_SWORD, as described in https://jd.papermc.io/paper/1.18/org/bukkit/Material.html, and the name of enchantments that will be on the item. To remove item, use /switemremove .

Probably, you also want to create kit. To make this, use /swcreatekit ... and hold the item icon in the main hand. To make with spaces, use _ instead of spaces. For example, Hello_this__ is_test____lore_string. Placeholders are not applied here. Then, execute /swkitsave with all items equiped in the inventory to fill the kit content and set the price. The price will affect on how much money will be needed to buy this kit using any economy plugin compatible with Vault, check here for more information https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/vault.34315/. To remove kit use /swkitremove

Hope you enjoy this plugin!


Published onJanuary 19, 2024

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