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Add gems to minecraft! A new type of currency to servers!

Report SimpleGems?

https://i.imgur.com/3mjJdFW.png A simple gems currency plugin for Backend servers with many other great features. https://i.imgur.com/nLKYGaj.png

  • Fully customizable, meaning you can change the messages and settings of the plugin inside the configuration files.
  • Light and efficient, won't cause any sort of lag towards your server!
  • New type of currency. Put gems for rewards from winning events, crates, etc.
  • MySQL/MongoDB/Local Data File Support.
  • PlaceholderAPI support!

Note: This plugin does not and will never give support to cracked servers. https://i.imgur.com/EZdK3IH.png Player Commands

  • /gems - Allows you to check how many gems you have.
  • /gems help - Shows a help menu to the player with commands they have access to.
  • /gems shop - Allows you to open the gems shop. (simplegems.command.shop)
  • /gems withdraw - Allows you to withdraw gems into an item. (simplegems.command.withdraw)
  • /gems pay - Allows you to pay someone gems. (simplegems.command.pay)
  • /gems top - Shows the top 10 players with the most amount of gems (simplegems.command.top)

Admin Commands

  • /gems reload - Reloads the plugin (simplegems.command.reload)
  • /gems give - Allows you to give someone gems. (simplegems.command.give)
  • /gems take - Allows you to take away others' gems. (simplegems.command.take)
  • /gems set - Allows you to set someone gems. (simplegems.command.set)
  • /gems version - Shows some information about the plugin (simplegems.command.version)
  • /gems update - Manually update the gems top leaderboard (simplegems.command.update)

All Commands are customizable from the SimpleGems/commands/gems.yml file https://i.imgur.com/MDCEUO5.png https://i.imgur.com/y67GTPH.png https://i.imgur.com/LQ1ZBFO.png https://i.imgur.com/d2MjpMr.png All artwork on this page was created by me.


  • %player% - Get the player name
  • %displayname% - Get the player display name
  • %arrowright% - Get an arrow for a message
  • %arrowleft% - Get an arrow for a message
  • %star% - Get a star for a message
  • %circle% - Get a circle for a message
  • %gems% - Get the player gems
  • %gems_formatted% - Get the player gems in fancy format
  • %gems_decimal% - Get the player gems in decimal format

PlaceholderAPI Placeholders

  • %simplegems_balance% - Get the player gems
  • %simplegems_balance_formatted% - Get the player gems in fancy format
  • %simplegems_balance_decimal% - Get the player gems in decimal format


  1. Download plugin
  2. Place the .jar file in your plugins folder
  3. Restart your server
  4. Enjoy! Note: This plugin doesn't support PlugMan/Server reloading or similar plugins.

Wiki & Developer API https://refracdevelopment.gitbook.io/simplegems/

Dependencies PlaceholderAPI: (Required) https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/placeholderapi.6245/ Head Database: (Optional) https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/head-database.14280/ Skulls: (Optional) https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/skulls-the-ultimate-head-database.90098/**

Discord Need help? Have suggestions? Join the discord! https://discord.gg/EFeSKPg739**

Reviews/Discussion are not for support please join the discord, any support requested on spigotmc or any other platform will be ignored. https://bstats.org/signatures/bukkit/SimpleGems.svg

seo tags: simplegems, gems, refrac, refracdevelopment**


Published onJune 7, 2023

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