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A staffchat plugin for Proxies and Backend servers.

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Banner Features

  • Fully customizable, meaning you can change the messages and settings of the plugin inside the configuration files.
  • Light and efficient, won't cause any sort of lag towards your server!
  • Staff join and quit messages.
  • Automatic Config Updates. No need to manually update file properties.
  • Supports multiple platforms: Spigot, Velocity and Folia.
  • Discord Logging using webhooks support in discord.yml
  • MiniMessage support (Using non-strict mode, automatically converts legacy & color codes)

Note: This plugin does not and will never give support to cracked servers. Commands and Permissions Commands

/staffchat(/sc) - Send messages to your staff privately
/staffchattoggle(/sctoggle) - Toggle sending messages to your staff privately
/staffchatreload(/screload) - Reload your config files
/adminchat(/ac) - Send messages to your admins privately
/devchat(/dc) - Send messages to your developers privately
/adminchattoggle(/actoggle) - Toggle sending messages to your admins privately
/devchattoggle(/dctoggle) - Toggle sending messages to your developers privately
/chat <staff|dev|admin|all> - Toggle sending messages to a chat
/schide <staff|dev|admin|all> - Allows you to mute/hide messages from either one or all staff chats.


simplestaffchat.command.help - Allows you to see the help page
simplestaffchat.command.staffchat - Allows you to use /staffchat
simplestaffchat.command.toggle - Allows you to use /staffchattoggle
simplestaffchat.command.reload - Allows you to use /staffchatreload
simplestaffchat.command.adminchat - Allows you to use /adminchat
simplestaffchat.command.adminchat.toggle - Allows you to use /adminchattoggle
simplestaffchat.command.devchat - Allows you to use /devchat
simplestaffchat.command.devchat.toggle - Allows you to use /devchattoggle
simplestaffchat.command.hide - Allows you to use /schide
simplestaffchat.command.chat - Allows you to use /chat
simplestaffchat.staffchat.see - Allows you to see all staffchat messages
simplestaffchat.staffchat.symbol - Allows you to use the symbol to use staffchat
simplestaffchat.adminchat.see - Allows you to see all adminchat messages
simplestaffchat.adminchat.symbol - Allows you to use the symbol to use adminchat
simplestaffchat.devchat.see - Allows you to see all devchat messages
simplestaffchat.devchat.symbol - Allows you to use the symbol to use devchat
simplestaffchat.join - Sends a join message when a staff member joins
simplestaffchat.switch - Sends a switch message when a staff member switches to a different server on the network (BungeeCord/Velocity only)
simplestaffchat.quit - Sends a join message when a staff member leaves the server

All commands are customizable from the commands.yml file. (Available in version 3.0 or higher)

Screenshots Screenshot #1 Extra Info

Outdated Tutorial

All artwork on this page was created by me.


  • %player% - Get the player name
  • %displayname% - Get the player display name
  • %server% - Get the player server
  • %message% - Get the message
  • %arrow% - Get an arrow for a message
  • %arrow_2% - Get alt arrow for a message
  • %star% - Get a star for a message
  • %circle% - Get a circle for a message
  • %luckperms_prefix% - Get the player's luckperms prefix
  • %luckperms_suffix% - Get the player's luckperms suffix


PlaceholderAPI (Optional)

SignedVelocity (Required when using Velocity it must be installed on the Spigot/Paper servers too)


  1. Download plugin
  2. Place the .jar file in your plugins folder
  3. Restart your server
  4. Enjoy!

Note: Only install it in either all backend servers or in the proxy not both the plugin will not work properly.


Need help? Have suggestions? Join the discord! https://discord.gg/EFeSKPg739

Reviews/Discussion are not for support please post them on github or discord, any support requested here or any other platform will be ignored.

BStats Spigot BStats Bungee BStats Velocity

Icon from Flaticon


Published onJune 7, 2023
Supports Folia

Pinned Versions



Avatar for Refrac

