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Battle game with different modes! Free for all, Team vs Team. Kits too!

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TitansBattle is a plugin that allows you to create all sorts of battle events: server-wide, 1v1, team vs team; anything is possible!

Free for all games and challenges have 3 phases:

  • Lobby: Players can join the game or accept the challenge
  • Preparation: Players are teleported to the arena, receive kits (if enabled) and have some seconds to prepare (organizing items, picking a position) for the battle
  • Battle: PvP is finally enabled and players fight each other until one group/player is remaining.

Elimination tournaments work in a similar manner, except in the preparation time only 2 players/groups are teleported at a time, until the winners are decided (1st, 2nd and 3rd).

Checkout the Getting started guide to know how to set it up! Or if you are a Developer, click here.


  • Server wide battles
  • Challenges between 2 groups/players
  • PlaceholderAPI support
  • Highly customizable games
  • Unlimited game/challenge files
  • Title and action bar messages
  • Sounds
  • Stats (kills, deaths, victories)
  • Compatible with SimpleClans and Factions (MassiveCraft or FactionsUUID)
  • Different messages per game
  • Scheduler
  • MySQL and SQLite
  • 9 API events
  • Kits
  • World Border
  • Prizes
  • Free for all and tournament modes
  • Prefix for winners and killer (player with most kills)
  • Join/leave messages for winners/killer




Admin commands: /tb start - starts a game manually /tb cancel - cancels the current game /tb setwinner - sets a player as winner of the current game /tb kick - kicks a player from the game /tb setdestination GENERAL_EXIT - sets the general exit (used for teleporting players who disconnected) /tb game|challenge create <name - creates a game or challenge /tb game|challenge setkit <name - sets your inventory as the kit /tb game|challenge setprize <name <prize LEADERS|MEMBERS - sets your inventory as the prize /tb game|challenge edit prize <name <field <value - edits some* fields from the game|challenge prize /tb game|challenge edit config <name <field <value - edits some* fields from the config /tb game|challenge setdestination <name <destination - sets the destination** /tb game|challenge setdestination <name ARENA_ENTRANCE 1|2 - sets the arena entrance*** /tb reload - reloads the plugin, this will cancel the current game

  • use a text editor to edit all settings ** you need to set all of them for the game|challenge to work *** entrance 1 is required

Player commands: /tb join - joins the current game /tb challenge player|group <target <arena - challenges a player|group to a duel /tb accept [challenger] - accepts a challenge (if the challenger name is not supplied, it will accept the last request) /tb leave - leaves from the game|challenge /tb watch - teleports to the watch room /tb watch <arena - teleports to the watch room of the specified arena /tb help - shows the command list /tb ranking groups|players - shows a ranking /tb winners <game [date] - shows the winners from the specified game


  • titansbattle.admin - Gives access to administrator commands
  • titansbattle.player - Gives access to player commands
  • titansbattle.challenge.accept - Can accept challenges
  • titansbattle.challenge.player - Can challenge other players
  • titansbattle.challenge.group - Can challenge other groups
  • titansbattle.join - Can join a game
  • titansbattle.exit - Can exit games or challenges
  • titansbattle.watchroom - Can teleport to watchrooms
  • titansbattle.help - Can use the help command
  • titansbattle.create - Can create games or challenges
  • titansbattle.reload - Can reload the plugin
  • titansbattle.cancel - Can cancel a game
  • titansbattle.start - Can start a game
  • titansbattle.kick - Can kick players from a game
  • titansbattle.setdestination - Can set the destinations for games/challenges
  • titansbattle.command-bypass - Bypasses command restrictions in games/challenges
  • titansbattle.winners - Can use the winners command
  • titansbattle.setinventory - Can set kits or prizes for games/challenges
  • titansbattle.ranking - Can use the ranking command
  • titansbattle.setwinner - Can set the winner of a game



To do:

  • Screenshots


Published onMarch 4, 2023

Pinned Versions
