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Seamless and efficient teleport commands for players navigating across your Waterfall/Velocity network.

Report BungeeTP?


This plugin brings a new dimension to teleportation, providing seamless and efficient teleport commands for players navigating across your Waterfall/Velocity network.

Key Features:

Cross-Server Teleportation: BungeeTP enables players to effortlessly teleport to each other between different servers within your Waterfall/Velocity network. Whether it's a hub, minigame server, or survival world, your players can seamlessly traverse the vast landscapes of your Minecraft universe.

Player-Friendly Commands: With intuitive and easy-to-use teleport commands, players can quickly teleport to each other between servers.

Permission System: Admins have full control over who can access specific teleportation commands. Set up a robust permission system to manage teleportation privileges and maintain server security.

Configuration Options: Fine-tune the plugin to suit your server's unique needs. Customize teleport request expiration times, teleportation delays (to bypass delays: bungeetp.cooldown.bypass), and other parameters (coming soon) to create a teleportation system tailored to your server's gameplay style.

Command Alias Permission Description
/bungeetp reload - bungeetp.admin Reload the plugin configs.
/tpa <player> - bungeetp.tpa Send a teleport request to another player
/tp <player> - bungeetp.tp Teleport to another player
/tpahere <player> - bungeetp.tpahere Request another player to teleport to your location
/tphere <player> /s <player> bungeetp.tphere Teleport another player to your location (alias: /s)
/tpaccept - bungeetp.accept Accept a teleport request
/tpdeny - bungeetp.deny Deny a teleport request

Installation Instructions: Installing BungeeTP is a straightforward process to seamlessly integrate advanced teleportation capabilities into your BungeeCord and Spigot servers. Follow these simple steps:

Waterfall/Velocity Server:

  1. Place the BungeeTP-Bungee.jar or BungeeTP-Velocity.jar file into the plugins folder of your Waterfall/Velocity server. 2 Restart your Waterfall/Velocity server.

Paper Server:

  1. Place the BungeeTP-Bridge-Spigot.jar file into the plugins folder of your Paper server.
  2. Restart your Paper server to activate the bridge between Waterfall/Velocity and Paper, ensuring seamless communication for teleportation commands.


# How long the player will have to wait before being teleported.
delay: 3 # Seconds

# How long it will take for teleport requests to expire.
expire: 180 # Seconds

# How should times be formatted? (LONG: "hours", "minutes", "seconds" or SHORT: "h", "m", "s")
time-format: LONG

# A list of servers that players will not be allowed to teleport to.
  - build
  - events


invalid_arguments: "&cInvalid arguments! Try: /%command%"
unknown_player: "&c%player% is offline."
player_offline: "&c%player% has gone offline."
restricted_server: "&cYou do not have permission to connect to this server!"
teleport_self: "&cYou're already here!"
no_requests: "&cYou don't have any pending requests."
teleporting: "&aTeleporting you to %player%..."
teleport_here: "&aTeleporting %player% to you..."
tpa_request_sent: "&aTeleport request sent to %player%."
tpa_request_received: "[\"\",{\"text\":\"[\\u2717]\",\"bold\":true,\"color\":\"red\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/tpdeny\"},\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"contents\":\"Click to deny.\"}},{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"#CC7832\"},{\"text\":\"[\\u2713]\",\"bold\":true,\"color\":\"green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/tpaccept\"},\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"contents\":\"Click to accept.\"}},{\"text\":\" %player% has requested to teleport to you. You have %expires% to accept or deny.\",\"color\":\"green\"}]"
tpahere_request_sent: "&aTeleport request sent to %player%."
tpahere_request_received: "[\"\",{\"text\":\"[\\u2717]\",\"bold\":true,\"color\":\"red\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/tpdeny\"},\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"contents\":\"Click to deny.\"}},{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"#CC7832\"},{\"text\":\"[\\u2713]\",\"bold\":true,\"color\":\"green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/tpaccept\"},\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"contents\":\"Click to accept.\"}},{\"text\":\" %player% has requested that you teleport to them. You have %expires% to accept or deny.\",\"color\":\"green\"}]"
tpa_request_accept: "&aTeleporting %player% to you..."
tpa_request_accepted: "&a%player% has accepted your request. Teleporting you..."
tpa_request_accepted_delayed: "&a%player% has accepted your request. Teleporting in %delay%..."
tpahere_request_accept: "&aTeleporting you to %player%..."
tpahere_request_accept_delayed: "&aTeleporting you to %player% in %delay%..."
tpahere_request_accepted: "&a%player% has accepted your request. Teleporting them..."
tpa_request_deny: "&cYou have denied %player%'s request."
tpa_request_denied: "&c%player% has denied your request."
tpahere_request_deny: "&cYou have denied %player%'s request."
tpahere_request_denied: "&c%player% has denied your request."
request_expired_from: "&cYour teleport request from %player% has expired."
request_expired_to: "&cYour teleport request to %player% has expired."

If you encounter any issues or have questions, refer to the plugin documentation or ask for help in the discussion section.


Published onJanuary 12, 2024
