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BedWars/EggWars/AnchorWars/CakeWars minigame compatible with all versions since 1.8.8

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Misat11 released ScreamingBedWars version on December 22, 2024

This update is a hotfix version for 1.8.8 servers. You do not have to update to this version if your server is 1.9 or newer.

This hotfix resolves compatibility issues with ViaVersion 5.0.2+ and its Legacy BossBar API, which is used to display colored, segmented, and more reliable BossBars for 1.9+ clients on 1.8.8 servers. An undocumented change in the API’s implementation caused our functionality to break, necessitating a few adjustments. To address potential future API changes that may go unnoticed, a new configuration option, bossbar.allow-via-hooks, has been added. When set to false, this option disables the hook, causing the plugin to treat 1.9+ players the same as 1.8.8 players.


Published onDecember 22, 2024


Paper Paper (1.8, 1.9.4-1.19.4, 1.20.1-1.20.2, 1.20.4, 1.20.6-1.21.1, 1.21.3-1.21.4)