A plugin to shuffle around your chunks.
/shuffle to enable/disable shuffling.
/shuffletime to set the time between shuffles (in minutes)
/shufflespeed to set the blocks set per tick (Recommended 30,000)
Shuffle: true (Enable/Disable)
Shuffletime: 1 (Time in minutes between shuffles)
World: world (The world to shuffle)
Chunks: 12 (How many chunks, too many will lag server)
BlockSpeed: 30000 (Speed in Blocks per tick)
While shuffling the player is sent to a "storage" world to prevent loss of data, and client-side lag. A chunk may not be shuffled if:
-A player is currently inside of it
-A player has set their spawn inside of it (I.E. Bed)
You may see a warning on the console warning that the plugin has registered a listener for PlayerSpawnChange event, there is no way to get around this.