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Report Leaf?


You get to decide what you want on your proxy!

  • Simply add configuration to add your own custom commands.
  • And remove configuration to remove un-used commands.
  • Organise the configuration with multiple directories and files!
  • Create your own proxy commands.
  • Create multiple staff chats and player chats.
  • Create GUI's.
  • Load balancing.
  • Utility commands.
  • Global messaging.
  • Global session history.
  • and more!


  • This plugin adds the ability to create your own proxy commands that players can use on your network.
  • When creating a command in the configuration file, you can choose from many different types that have different functions.
  • You can delete any command in the configuration file and it will be removed from the server.
  • You can have multiple commands with the same type as long as the identifier is different.
  • The reload command lets you reload all the commands so you don't have to restart the server.

Command Example

# The commands identifier.
  # The type of command.
  type: "info"
  # If the command is enabled.
  enabled: true
  # The command name. 
  # In this instance it will let you do /leaf.
  name: "leaf"
  # The message sent to the player when they run the command.
    - "&8&m&l-------&r &a&lLeaf &8&m&l-------"
    - "&7"
    - "&7Velocity Proxy Plugin"
    - "&7Version &f<version>"
    - "&7Author &fSmudge"
    - "&7"
    - "&8&m&l--------------------"
Command Type Usage Description
message [name] [player] [message] Used to message a player.
reply /[name] [message] Used to reply to the last message.
ignore /[name] [player] Used to ignore a player.
unignore /[name] [player] Used to unignore a player.
ignorelist /[name] Used to list the ignored players.
togglemessages /[name] Used to toggle your messages.
togglespy /[name] Used to toggle veiwing other players messages.
messagehistory /[name] [query] Similar to core protect, it lets you see player's message history.
alert /[name] [message] Used to send a message to everyone on the server.
alertraw /[name] [json] Used to send a json message to everyone on the server. Simular to /tellraw
chat /[name] [message] Used to send a message to a chat.
find /[name] [player] Used to get infomation about an online player.
history /[name] [player] Used to get global session history about a player from the database.
info /[name] Displays a message to the player.
inventory /[name] Displays a inventory to the player.
join /[name] Sends a player to a server.
list /[name] Displays a list of players that are online. This could be a staff list.
reload /[name] Reloads the entire plugin. Configuration, commands, events, placeholders and variables.
report /[name] Send a message to a group of players. Commonly used to report bugs to staff. Simular to /helpop
send /[name] [from] [to] Send a group of players to a server.
servers /[name] Displays a list of online servers and the amount of players online.
teleport /[name] [player] Teleport to the server a player is on.
variable /[name] [value] Set the value of a variable. You can set options for players to pick from.

And more! All command types are listed in the wiki. If you have any suggestions, feel free to create a feature request in the GitHub issues page or message me directly in the discord.


You can create custom events. Currently there is only a option for when a player joins the proxy. This allows you to do load balancing, and send players to the server with the least amount of players on.

  # The type of event.
  type: "playerjoin"
  # Used to enable and disable the event.
  # Defaults to true.
  enabled: false
  # Add commands to be run.
  - "leaf"
  # Add servers to be sent to.
  # If more than 1 server is stated the player will
  # go to the server with the least amount of players
  - "hub1"
  - "hub2"


You can create your own conditional placeholders that you can use elsewhere in the plugin.

  • Placeholders will not work outside the plugin. Example of a vanish placeholder
  condition: "MATCH:<vanished>"
    true: "&#c0fce6"
    false: "&#ffffee"


When the database is enabled, you can use variables to store data for each player. When you have created a variable in the configuration, you can then create a command for players to set the variable. This enables you to used the variable as a placeholder in other commands and inventories. Example

# The variable identifier.
# Example: <theme> will return the string data that is set for the player.
  # The default value if the variable is not set.
  default: "green"



CategoryAdmin Tools
Published onMarch 19, 2023
LicenseApache 2.0

Pinned Versions


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