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Report Leaf?


Smudge released Leaf version 3.3.1 on August 2, 2023

- Added custom model option to inventory items.
- Added durations to titles and subtitles.
- Fixed friend requests letting you request multiple times.
- Fixed info command deleting last charicter.

Titles Subtitles Simply add this to the end or start of a message. Only one of the parts need the durations. They will apply to both the title and subtitle.

  • Title "::title fadeIn stay fadeOut =string::"
  • Subtitle "::subtitle fadeIn stay fadeOut =string>::"

    Example "&8&l[&f&lAlert&8&l]&r &a%message%::title 1000 2000 1000 =%message%::subtitle =alert!"


How to install

  • Download the Leaf-3.3.1.jar and drag it into your proxy server's plugin folder.
  • Restart the server.

Optional dependencies https://builtbybit.com/resources/leaf-velocity-plugin.26200/field?field=dependencies

For admins updating from 2.X See version 3.0.0 for migration details from 2.X to 3.X


Published onAugust 2, 2023


Velocity Velocity (1.0-3.2)


Velocity Velocity
Edit Plugin Dependencies: Velocity