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This plugin allows you to define which plugin have to be successful enabled after server startup

Report PluginControl?



This plugin allows you to control which plugins have to be enabled for the server continues running.

Inspired by this and this comment and myself having the same problem.


  1. Download the PluginControl plugin.
  2. Place the downloaded plugin file in the plugins folder of your server.
  3. Restart the server to load the PluginControl plugin.
  4. Use the command /plugincontrol action <action-type> to set the action to be taken if any of the listed plugins are not enabled. See the Actions section for available actions.
  5. Add plugins to the list using the command /plugincontrol add <plugin-name>.
  6. Enable the PluginControl plugin by running the command /plugincontrol enable.
  7. Reload the PluginControl plugin configuration and language files with the command /plugincontrol reload.

Please note that the <action-type> and <plugin-name> placeholders should be replaced with the specific action and plugin names as needed.

Note: This plugin needs Java 17 to work.


Option Description
enabled Whether the plugin is enabled or not.
action Action to take if all listed plugins are not enabled.
kick-message Message sent to the player when the disallow-player-login action is enabled.
plugins List of plugins to be enabled when the server starts.


Action Type Description
log-to-console Sends a warning (log-to-console inside lang.yaml) in the console.
disallow-player-login Block player from enter the server with a message (kick-message inside config.yml).
shutdown-server Shutdown the server with a warning (disabling-server inside lang.yml).

Kick Message

Allows you to customize the message sent to the player when the disallow-player-login action is enabled.

Can be customized using &#<hex> code or legacy color codes (no MiniMessage support).


Change the message formatting using MiniMessage


Placeholder Usage
<prefix> All messages accept this placeholder
<action> command.action-type
<actions> command.action-list
<command> command.command-not-found, command.plugin-add-error and command.plugin-remove-error
<kick-message> command.kick-message and command.kick-message-set
<plugin> command.plugin-added, command.plugin-not-found and command.plugin-removed
<plugins> console.disabling-server and command.plugin-list


prefix: '<dark_gray>[<red>PluginControl<dark_gray>]'
  checking-plugins: '<prefix> <red>Checking plugins...'
  disabling-server: '<prefix> <red>Disabling server because <yellow><plugins> <red>was not found or enabled successfully!'
  finished-checking: '<prefix> <green>Plugins successfully verified!'
  log-to-console: '<prefix> <red>Plugin <yellow><plugins> <red>not found or enabled successfully...'
  action-list: '<prefix> <green>Actions available: <yellow><actions>'
  action-set: '<prefix> <green>Action set to <yellow><action>'
  action-type: '<prefix> <green>Action type: <yellow><action>'
  command-not-found: '<red>Use <yellow>/<command> help <red>to see the available commands'
  kick-message: '<prefix> <green>Kick message: <yellow><kick-message>'
  kick-message-set: '<prefix> <green>Kick message set to <yellow><kick-message>'
  no-permission-error: '<prefix> <red>You do not have permission to use this command'
  plugin-add-error: '<red>Usage: <yellow>/<command> add [plugin-name]'
  plugin-added: '<prefix> <green>Plugin <yellow><plugin> <green>added successfully!'
  plugin-already-added: '<prefix> <red>Plugin already added!'
  plugin-disabled: '<prefix> <red>Deactivating plugin features...'
  plugin-enabled: '<prefix> <green>Activating plugin features...'
  plugin-list: '<prefix> <green>Plugins added: <yellow><plugins>'
  plugin-list-separator: '<gray>, '
  plugin-list-separator-last: '<gray> and '
  plugin-list-empty: '<prefix> <red>No plugins added!'
  plugin-not-found: '<prefix> <red>Plugin <yellow><plugin> <red>not found in the list!'
  plugin-reload: '<prefix> <green>Config and Language reloaded!'
  plugin-remove-error: '<red>Usage: <yellow>/<command> remove <plugin-name>'
  plugin-removed: '<prefix> <green>Plugin <yellow><plugin> <green>removed!'
  plugin-click-remove: '<red>Click to remove the plugin'
    - '<gradient:aqua:green>==== Plugin Control Help ====</gradient>'
    - '<aqua>/<command> add <green><plugin-name> <yellow>- Add a plugin to the list'
    - '<aqua>/<command> remove <green><plugin-name> <yellow>- Remove a plugin from the list'
    - '<aqua>/<command> action <yellow>- List all actions available'
    - '<aqua>/<command> kick-message <yellow>- Show the kick message'
    - '<aqua>/<command> kick-message <message> <yellow>- Set the kick message'
    - '<aqua>/<command> enable <yellow>- Enable the plugin'
    - '<aqua>/<command> disable <yellow>- Disable the plugin'
    - '<aqua>/<command> toggle <yellow>- Enable or disable the plugin'
    - '<aqua>/<command> list <yellow>- List all plugins added'
    - '<aqua>/<command> reload <yellow>- Reload the config and language'
    - '<aqua>/<command> help <yellow>- Show this help'
    - '<gradient:aqua:green>============================</gradient>'


Main Command /plugincontrol - Aliases: /pc and /pcontrol

Command Sub Command Description
/plugincontrol add <plugin-name> Add a plugin to the list.
/plugincontrol remove <plugin-name> Remove a plugin from the list.
/plugincontrol action Check the current action.
/plugincontrol action <action-type> Set the action to take.
/plugincontrol kick-message Check the current kick message.
/plugincontrol kick-message <message> Set the kick message.
/plugincontrol enable | on Enable PluginControl.
/plugincontrol disable | off Disable PluginControl.
/plugincontrol toggle Toggle PluginControl on or off.
/plugincontrol list List all plugins in the list.
/plugincontrol reload Reload the configuration and language files.
/plugincontrol help | ? Show the list of commands.

Please note that the <plugin-name>, <action-type> and <message> placeholders should be replaced with the specific plugin name and kick message, respectively, as required.


Permissions Description
plugincontrol.use Permission to use all commands
plugincontrol.bypass Bypass the disallow-player-login in action


CategoryAdmin Tools
Published onJune 4, 2023

Pinned Versions
