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kVisuals shows unique visuals with the help of Resource Packs.

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kVisuals Download links:

Thank you for downloading kVisuals! For more information, see https://kvisuals.starfal.net

Plugin setup:

  • Drag "kVisuals-1.5.jar" into your plugins folder.
  • [Optional and Paid] Install Nexo
  • Restart your server.

Nexo Resource Pack Configuration:

  • Drag "NexoResourcePackForKVisuals.zip" into your plugins folder and unarchive it
  • Run the command "/n rl all" to reload the nexo texture pack and configuration
  • Go into "plugins/Nexo/glyphs/kvisuals/visuals.yml"
  • Take note of every char:
  • Now, go into "plugins/kVisuals/settings.yml" and locate the "texture-glyphs"
  • Fill it out with the noted chars
  • Run "/kvisuals reload" in game and now your visuals should be working perfectly.

Other resource packs:

  • Unzip "NexoResourcePackForKVisuals.zip" and go into "Nexo/pack/assets/minecraft/textures/kvisuals/"
  • There you will find all of the textures for the visuals. From there on, you will have to set the Resource Pack up yourself.

kVisuals is an alternative to ItemsAdder's ScreenEffects Addon, but with even more fun features!

kVisuals has several options for the "Visuals."

The plugin has 2 commands:

/kvisuals <reload>

The /kvisuals is the admin command for the plugin, used to reload the configuration and messages files.

The /visual is the main command for all of the visuals. It has some working to get used to, but it shows options as suggestions when you type /visual in your command line.

/visual uses MiniMessage formatting for text coloring ONLY! For the coloring of the background or gradient colors uses MiniMessage formatting, but without the <> (Also, it doesn't use "bold" or "italic" etc., ONLY MINIMESSAGE COLORS)

To use spaces( ) in text, use quotes. Example: "text 123 123"

Read more on https://wiki.starfal.net/kvisuals


Published onJune 24, 2024

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