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FurnitureLib Free, FurnitureLib, Protocollib

Report FurnitureLibary?


https://i.imgur.com/JGeMhEy.png https://i.imgur.com/kjk8cKb.png https://i.imgur.com/pxVV95n.png https://i.imgur.com/pXuFo8Q.png


The FurnitureLib is mangage Armorstand creations packet based on the server to prevent some kind of lags for the Minecraft Server. It is under construction since 2015, i want to fix any kind of bug/glicht i can fix it.

Supported Minecraft Versions:

Minecraft 1.12.x - 1.19.x

Incompatible plugins:

No Informations

Unsupported Minecraft Versions:

The Plugin support for Minecraft 1.8 has been stopped since the 1.9.x has been released the reason is the FurnitureLib has completley rewritten, and Mojang change alot of Item Position on Entitys the reason is some Models looks wired

What did the Protectionlib deos ?

The ProtectionLib hooks into the api of Protection Plugins Plotsqaured/Worldguard/... to handel it with the FurnitureLib. It check if a player are the Owner of the Plot or Region who a furniture want to be placed to or is the player is trusted to give him automatically Furniture Buildingrights on his region / plot


→* FurnitureLib:

Donators ❤️️


FurnitureMaker DiceFurniture DiceGraveStoneOfDeath FurnitureLib in GUI Selection Visualizer (Premium) Graves

Read before you write a review

Please do not paste any kind of Error code in the Review if you want to report me something you can write me a pm or use the discussion or write a bug report on the Github Page. The review Section is my own Feedback i hope you write something nice or funny reviews.


CategoryDeveloper Tools
Published onAugust 14, 2023
Supports Folia

Pinned Versions
