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Have peace of mind letting your players use Creative Mode.

Report Creative-Sandbox?


Have peace of mind letting your players use Creative Mode.


Creative-Sandbox is a Spigot plugin that allows server moderators to safely allow players to use Creative Mode. When a player is put into Sandbox Mode, their inventory is swapped, and they are put into Creative Mode with the following restrictions:

  • They cannot access containers (bypassed with sandbox.containers permission).
  • They cannot drop items (bypassed with sandbox.dropitems permission).
  • They cannot use spawn eggs (bypassed with sandbox.spawneggs permission).

Players in Sandbox Mode also glow to make them easier to locate.

A player with the sandbox.manage permission (a "moderator") must be online for Sandbox Mode to remain active. If all moderators leave, all players in Sandbox Mode will be removed from Sandbox Mode, restoring their inventories. If players leave the game while in Sandbox Mode, they will remain in Sandbox Mode when they rejoin unless there are no moderators. When a Sandboxed player joins, moderators will be notified.


There is only one command needed to use Creative-Sandbox.

sandbox [playerTargets] [state]

To toggle Sandbox Mode for SerpentSages, you should run:

sandbox SerpentSages

To disable Sandbox Mode for all players, you should run:

sandbox @a false

To list all players in Sandbox Mode, you should run:



Load the GIF file below to see it in action! Demo video

The source code is available on GitHub. You can also create bug reports and feature requests on the issues page.

If you are financially stable and find value in my work, you can set up regular donations (as little as $0.01 per week) via Liberapay. You can also send me one-time donations via PayPal.


CategoryAdmin Tools
Published onJune 23, 2024

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