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Give out redeemable money as rewards, integrating with your economy plugins automatically.

Report SuperMoneyTokens?

SuperMoneyTokens is a plugin that allows you to give out redeemable money, integrating with almost all economy plugins automatically.

Money is given out in three ways:

  1. A simple token, right click to redeem
    Picture of a basic money token

  2. A Player-generated bank note with /withdraw
    picture of a bank note obtained with /withdraw

  3. A Coin Vault which contains a random amount of money and plays an animation
    GIF showing the Coin Vault animation

Commands and Permissions


  • /withdraw - moneytokens.withdraw
    Players can withdraw a bank note from their balance.


  • /moneytoken (/mt) give - moneytokens.admin.give
    Give a player a redeemable money token.

  • /coinvault (/cv) give - moneytokens.admin.give
    Give a player a coin vault containing random amounts of money

Bugs and Suggestions

If you require support or would like to make a suggestion for the plugin, please join the Discord where support will be provided.


Published onJanuary 6, 2025

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