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Ever wanted a Wanted plugin that gives wanteds to your Wanted players?!

Report Wanted?
![https://i.imgur.com/4Lu7Vi6.png](https://i.imgur.com/4Lu7Vi6.png) **# Semi-Abandoned # The plugin is no longer receiving feature updates. # It only receives bug fixes.**
**# What is Wanted?** Wanted is a plugin that gives players a Wanted level when they kill other players, NPCs, and mobs, You can also set certain people as Cops, Bounty Hunters, etc... that can search for Wanted players with a GPS and BossBar system.

*** You can fully customize the plugin and use it like a Bounty plugin or anything else**

# Features

  • Fully customizable.

  • You can change everything! Add your custom conditions and change anything you want.

config file
  LanguageFile: en_US
  # Use wanted.receive.(number) to change player wanted number
  Maximum: 5
  # Refresh interval of the compass, Recommended keeping this 10-20. In ticks (20 Ticks = 1 second)
  CompassRefreshInterval: 20
  StopFindingAfterDeath: true
  RemoveWantedOnlyIfKilledByHunter: false
  ClearWantedOnDeath: true
  # In the arrest mode there is no need to kill the Wanted player.
  # The Hunters/Police can use /wanted arrest <player> command to arrest the Wanted player
    # Should arrest mode be enabled?
    Enable: false
    # Prevent the player arrest himself
    PreventSelfArrest: true
    # The minimum distance between the Player and the target to arrest
    Distance: 10
        Enable: false
          - 'PLAYER;spawn'
          - 'VICTIM;spawn'
          - 'CONSOLE;give %player% diamond %wanted_level%'
          - 'CONSOLE;say %player% arrested %victim%'
  # !!! ** Only supports WorldGuard 7.X ** !!!
  # !!! ** Only supports WorldGuard 7.X ** !!!
  # !!! ** Only supports WorldGuard 7.X ** !!!
  # Use this feature to blacklist/whitelist regions in server
    # Should WorldGuard RegionFilter be enabled
    Enable: false
    # Revert the blacklist regions to whitelist regions
    RevertBlacklist: false
    # The list of blacklisted regions
      - example1
  # ComplaintMode is a feature that prevents the killer wanted to receiving and allow victims to complain killers
  # Conditions:
  # - The victim should have wanted.complaint permission
  # - The killer should not be op or have access to wanted.bypass
  # - ComplaintMode should be enabled on the config file.
    # Should complain mode be enabled?
    Enable: false
    ExpireTime: 15
    Enable: true
    RefreshInterval: 20
      Color: "GREEN"
      Type: "SOLID"
      # Custom BossBars should sort by the smallest distance.
        Distance: 50
        Progress: true
        Color: "RED"
        Type: "SOLID"
        Distance: 100
        Progress: true
        Color: "YELLOW"
        Type: "SOLID"
    # You can use the "wanted.receive.X" permission node to decide how many Wanted(s) should a player get when they kill someone,
    #  This is the default value, If someone didn't have that permission, this value will be used.
      Enable: true
      KillMessage: true
      # Prevent Wanted receive if the killer is not the fight starter.
      PreventReceiveIfDefender: false
      Receive: 1
        Enable: false
          - 'KILLER;spawn'
          - 'VICTIM;spawn'
          - 'CONSOLE;say %victim% died'
          - 'CONSOLE;say %killer% killed %victim%'
      Enable: true
      KillMessage: true
      Receive: 2
        Enable: false
          - 'KILLER;spawn'
          - 'CONSOLE;say %victim% died'
          - 'CONSOLE;say %killer% killed %victim%'
      Enable: false
      KillMessage: true
        Enable: false
          - 'KILLER;spawn'
          - 'CONSOLE;say %victim% died'
          - 'CONSOLE;say %killer% killed %victim%'
      # You can use "ENTITY;WANTED" to decide how many Wanted(s) should a player get when they kill specific mobs.
        - COW;1
        - CHICKEN;1
        - PIG;2
        - ZOMBIE;-1
        - CREEPER;-2
        Enable: false
        # If the Wanted killer has wanted.hunter permission the below commands will run.
          - 'CONSOLE;give %killer% diamond %wanted_level%'
  • Userfriendly interface.

  • The plugin uses TextComponent, RGB & Gradient support, Wanted/Bounty GUI, and more...

  • Complaint mode.

  • Call 911...? In the Complaint mode, the victim chooses he wants to complain killer or not. If he doesn't complain the killer doesn't get wanted level.

  • https://i.imgur.com/tgnoOPP.png

  • Arrest mode.

  • The Police/BountyHunter(s) can arrest players in a specific range (You can change the arrest range from the configuration file). For a better experience in this mode, I suggest you use the CuffEm plugin.

  • https://i.imgur.com/yd68IG8.png

  • GPS System (Custom BossBar & Compass).

  • You can create your own BossBars with custom conditions to track Wanted players, also there is a compass tracking system.

  • BossBar: https://i.imgur.com/ie8DGUC.png

  • Multi/Custom language support.

  • There are some default languages like English, Vietnamese, Chinese, etc... you can easily use them. also, you can create your custom language files.

prefix: "<GRADIENT:E54010>&lWanted</GRADIENT:E55410> <SOLID:1098E5>» "

need-permission: "<SOLID:E54A10>You don't have enough permission to perform this command!"
target-warn: "<SOLID:059DFF>%player% <SOLID:D2E60A>Used their GPS to find you!"
needGPS: "<SOLID:E54A10>You have to hold a compass to use this command!"
player-not-found: "<SOLID:E54A10>Player not found."
self-target: "<SOLID:E54A10>You cannot target yourself!"
search-target: "&6You used your GPS to find <SOLID:059DFF>%target%<SOLID:D2E60A>."
search-notification: "<SOLID:059DFF>%player% <SOLID:D2E60A>used their GPS to find <SOLID:059DFF>%target%<SOLID:D2E60A>!"
wanted-title: "<SOLID:059DFF>Wanteds:"
wanted-list: "<SOLID:059DFF>%player% &6» <SOLID:D2E60A>[&e%wanted%<SOLID:D2E60A>]"
wanted-top: "<SOLID:059DFF>[%number%] &e%player% <SOLID:E54A10>» <SOLID:D2E60A>%wanted%"
player-leave-on-finding: "<SOLID:059DFF>%player% <SOLID:D2E60A>left the game."
get-player-wanted: "<SOLID:059DFF>%player%<SOLID:D2E60A>'s wanted level is <SOLID:059DFF>%wanted%."
no-wanteds: "<SOLID:E54A10>Currently there are no wanteds!"
maximum-wanted-changed: "&6Maximum wanted successfully changed."
plugin-reloaded: "&6Plugin successfully reloaded!"
item-cooldown: "<SOLID:E54A10>This item is currently on cooldown!"
find-usage: "<SOLID:E54A10>Usage: /wanted find <player>"
different-world: "<SOLID:E54A10>This player is on another world."
operation: "<SOLID:E54A10>Usage: /wanted %action% <player> <wanted>"
clear-operator: "<SOLID:E54A10>Usage: /wanted Clear <player>"
maximum-usage: "<SOLID:E54A10>Usage: /wanted maximum <number>"
get-wanted-usage: "<SOLID:E54A10>Usage: /wanted get <player>"
log-usage: "<SOLID:E54A10>Usage: /wanted log <date> <range>"
clear-wanted: "&6Wanted(s) has been successfully cleared."
take-wanted: "&6Wanted(s) has been successfully taken."
add-wanted: "&6Wanted(s) has been successfully added."
set-wanted: "&6Wanted was set."
valid-number: "<SOLID:E54A10>Please enter a valid number."
player-wanted: "<SOLID:D2E60A>Your Wanted is <SOLID:059DFF>%wanted%."
console-sender: "<SOLID:E54A10>Only player can run this command."
loading-data: "<SOLID:E54A10>The data is still loading or empty. Please try again later."
# You can use %region% to show WorldGuard region name
message-on-kill-player: "<SOLID:E54A10>You killed <SOLID:059DFF>%player_name% <SOLID:E54A10>and receive <SOLID:059DFF>%wanted% <SOLID:E54A10>Wanted(s). Fight starter is: &6%fight_starter%"
message-on-kill-npc: "<SOLID:E54A10>You killed <SOLID:059DFF>%npc_name% <SOLID:E54A10>and receive <SOLID:059DFF>%wanted% <SOLID:E54A10>Wanted(s)."
message-on-kill-mob: "<SOLID:E54A10>You killed a <SOLID:059DFF>%mob% <SOLID:E54A10>and receive <SOLID:059DFF>%wanted% <SOLID:E54A10>Wanted(s)."
help-header: "<SOLID:D2E60A>&l&m---------------<SOLID:E6CB0A>[&r <SOLID:059DFF>Wanted v%version% <SOLID:E6CB0A>]<SOLID:D2E60A>&l&m---------------&r"
wanted-reload-help: "&8- &6/wanted &7reload"
wanted-find-help: "&8- &6/wanted &7find <player>"
wanted-maximum-help: "&8- &6/wanted &7maximum <number>"
wanted-clear-help: "&8- &6/wanted &7clear <player>"
wanted-set-help: "&8- &6/wanted &7set <player> <number>"
wanted-take-help: "&8- &6/wanted &7take <player> <number>"
wanted-add-help: "&8- &6/wanted &7add <player> <number>"
wanteds-help: "&8- &6/wanteds"
next-page-help: "&e(Page 1/2) <SOLID:D2E60A>Next Page »"
wanted-gui-help: "&8- &6/wanted &7gui"
wanted-complaint-help: "&8- &6/wanted &7complaint"
wanted-get-help: "&8- &6/wanted &7get <player>"
wanted-top-help: "&8- &6/wanted &7top"
wanted-help-help: "&8- &6/wanted &7help <page>"
prev-page-help: "&e(Page 2/2) <SOLID:D2E60A>Prev Page «"
wanted-symbol: "✯"
player-wanted-list-format: "<SOLID:059DFF>%player% &6» <SOLID:D2E60A>[&6%symbol%<SOLID:D2E60A>]"
wanted-gui-title: "&4&lWANTED GUI &8- &5Page &n%page%"
wanted-gui-refresh-button: "&6&l• &eRefresh &6&l•"
wanted-gui-next-page-button: "&e» &6Next Page &e»"
wanted-gui-prev-page-button: "&e« &6Previous Page &e«"
wanted-gui-player-title: "<SOLID:059DFF>%player_name%"
  - "<SOLID:D2E60A>Wanteds: <SOLID:059DFF>%wanted%"
  - "<SOLID:D2E60A>Last Victim: <SOLID:059DFF>%last_victim%"
  - "<SOLID:D2E60A>World: <SOLID:059DFF>%world%"
  - "<SOLID:D2E60A>Location: <SOLID:059DFF>%location%"
bar-title: "&6&lDISTANCE: <SOLID:059DFF>%distance%block(s)"
complaint-confirm: "<SOLID:E54A10>You got killed by <SOLID:D2E60A>%killer%<SOLID:E54A10>, If you want to make a complaint, Please type <SOLID:D2E60A>/complaint"
complaint-expire: "<SOLID:E54A10>Complaint time for getting killed by <SOLID:D2E60A>%killer <SOLID:E54A10>has been expired."
complaint-already-expire: "<SOLID:E54A10>Your complaint time is already expired!"
complaint-submit: "&6Your complaint has been submitted!"
cant-complain: "<SOLID:E54A10>You can't complain at this time."
log-message-header: "<SOLID:059DFF>%date% &elogs <SOLID:D2E60A>(Range: %range%):"
log-message: "&8[<SOLID:D2E60A>%time%&8] <SOLID:E54A10>%killer% <SOLID:D2E60A>killed <SOLID:E54A10>%victim% <SOLID:D2E60A>in <SOLID:E54A10>%world% <SOLID:D2E60A>at <SOLID:E54A10>%location% <SOLID:059DFF>| <SOLID:D2E60A>New Wanted: <SOLID:E54A10>%wanted%"
successfully-arrest: "<SOLID:60C924>The %target% was successfully arrested!"
cant-arrest: "<SOLID:E54A10>You can't arrest this player!"
arrest-usage: "<SOLID:E54A10>Usage: /wanted arrest <player>"
self-arrest: "<SOLID:E54A10>You can't arrest yourself"
disabled-arrest: "<SOLID:E54A10>The Arrest mode is disabled at this time."
arrest-notification: "<SOLID:059DFF>%player% <SOLID:D2E60A>arrested <SOLID:059DFF>%target%<SOLID:D2E60A>!"
#Translated by VoChiDanh#0862
prefix: "<GRADIENT:E54010>&lWanted</GRADIENT:E55410> <SOLID:1098E5>» "

need-permission: "&cBạn không có quyền!"
target-warn: "&b%player% &7đang tìm đến bạn!"
needGPS: "&cBạn phải cầm một la bàn để sử dụng lệnh này!"
player-not-found: "&cNgười chơi không tồn tại."
self-target: "&cBạn không thể nhắm mục tiêu chính mình!"
search-target: "&aBạn đang dùng GPS để tìm &b%target%&7."
search-notification: "&b%player% &7dùng GPS của họ để tìm &b%target%&7!"
wanted-title: "&bTruy Nã:"
wanted-list: "&b%player% &a» &7[&e%wanted%&7]"
wanted-top: "&b[%number%] &e%player% &c» &7%wanted%"
player-leave-on-finding: "&b%player% &7thoát khỏi trò chơi."
get-player-wanted: "&b%player%&7's mức độ truy nã là &b%wanted%."
no-wanteds: "&cKhông ai bị truy nã!"
maximum-wanted-changed: "&aĐã thay đổi thành công mức truy nã tối đa."
plugin-reloaded: "&aTải lại thành công!"
item-cooldown: "&cVật phẩm này hiện đang trong thời gian hồi chiêu!"
find-usage: "&cDùng /wanted find <người chơi>"
operation: "&cDùng /wanted %action% <người chơi> <wanted>"
clear-operator: "&cDùng /wanted Clear <người chơi>"
maximum-usage: "&cDùng /wanted set-maximum <số lượng>"
get-wanted-usage: "&cDùng /wanted get <người chơi>"
log-usage: "&cUsage: /wanted log <date> <range>"
clear-wanted: "&a(Các) Truy nã đã được xóa thành công."
take-wanted: "&aTruy nã đã được thực hiện thành công."
add-wanted: "&a(Các) Truy nã đã được thêm thành công."
set-wanted: "&aTruy nã đã được thiết lập."
valid-number: "&cHãy đặt 1 số chính xác."
player-wanted: "&7Mức độ truy nã của bạn là &b%wanted%."
console-sender: "§cConsole khong the dung lenh nay."
loading-data: "&cDữ liệu vẫn đang tải hoặc trống. Vui lòng thử lại sau."
message-on-kill-player: "&cBạn đã giết &b%player_name% &cvà nhận về &b%wanted% &cđiểm truy nã! Fight starter is: &6%fight_starter%"
message-on-kill-mob: "&cBạn tiêu diệt mobs &b%mob% &cvà nhận &b%wanted% &ctruy nã."
help-header: "&7&l&m---------------&f[&r &bWanted v%version% &f]&7&l&m---------------&r"
wanted-reload-help: "&7- &a/wanted &breload"
wanted-find-help: "&7- &a/wanted &bfind <người chơi>"
wanted-maximum-help: "&7- &a/wanted &bmaximum <số lượng>"
wanted-clear-help: "&7- &a/wanted &bclear <người chơi>"
wanted-set-help: "&7- &a/wanted &bset <người chơi> <số lượng>"
wanted-take-help: "&7- &a/wanted &btake <người chơi> <số lượng>"
wanted-add-help: "&7- &a/wanted &badd <người chơi> <số lượng>"
wanteds-help: "&7- &a/wanteds"
next-page-help: "&e(Trang 1/2) &7Trang tiếp theo »"
wanted-gui-help: "&7- &a/wanted &bgui"
wanted-get-help: "&7- &a/wanted &bget <người chơi>"
wanted-top-help: "&7- &a/wanted &btop"
wanted-help-help: "&7- &a/wanted &bhelp <trang>"
prev-page-help: "&e(Trang 2/2) &7Trang Trước «"
wanted-symbol: "✯"
player-wanted-list-format: "&b%player% &a» &7[&6%symbol%&7]"
wanted-gui-title: "&4&lWANTED GUI &8- &5Page &n%page%"
wanted-gui-refresh-button: "&6&l• &eRefresh &6&l•"
wanted-gui-next-page-button: "&e» &aNext Page &e»"
wanted-gui-prev-page-button: "&e« &aPrevious Page &e«"
wanted-gui-player-title: "&b%player_name%"
  - "&7Wanteds: &b%wanted%"
  - "&7Last Victim: &b%last_victim%"
  - "&7World: &b%world%"
  - "&7Location: &b%location%"
bar-title: "&6&lDISTANCE: &b%distance%block(s)"
complaint-confirm: "&cYou got killed by &7%killer%&c, If you want to make a complaint, Please type &7/complaint"
complaint-expire: "&cComplaint time for getting killed by &7%killer &chas been expired."
complaint-already-expire: "&cYour complaint time is already expired!"
complaint-submit: "&aYour complaint has been submitted!"
cant-complain: "&cYou can't complain at this time."
wanted-complaint-help: "&7- &a/wanted &bcomplaint"
different-world: "&cThis player is on another world."
log-message-header: "&b%date% &elogs &7(Range: %range%):"
log-message: "&8[&7%time%&8] &c%killer% &7killed &c%victim% &7in &c%world% &7at &c%location% &b| &7New Wanted: &c%wanted%"
successfully-arrest: "<SOLID:60C924>The %target% was successfully arrested!"
cant-arrest: "<SOLID:E54A10>You can't arrest this player!"
arrest-usage: "<SOLID:E54A10>Usage: /wanted arrest <player>"
self-arrest: "<SOLID:E54A10>You can't arrest yourself"
disabled-arrest: "<SOLID:E54A10>The Arrest mode is disabled at this time."
arrest-notification: "<SOLID:059DFF>%player% <SOLID:D2E60A>arrested <SOLID:059DFF>%target%<SOLID:D2E60A>!"
#Translated by xKsy#7314
prefix: "<GRADIENT:E54010>&lWanted</GRADIENT:E55410> <SOLID:1098E5>» "

need-permission: "&7你没有执行此操作的权限"
target-warn: "&a%player% &7使用了他的指南针来追踪你"
needGPS: "&7你需要一个指南针才能追踪玩家"
player-not-found: "&7玩家不存在"
self-target: "&7你不能指向你自己"
search-target: "&7你使用了你的指南针来追踪 &a%target%"
search-notification: "&a%player% &7使用了他的指南针来追踪 &a%target%"
wanted-title: "&7Wanteds&f&l:"
wanted-list: "&a%player% &8» &7[&6%wanted%&7]"
wanted-top: "&7%number%. &a%player% &8» &a%wanted%"
player-leave-on-finding: "&a%player% &7离开了游戏"
get-player-wanted: "&a%player% &7的Wanted等级是 &a%wanted%"
no-wanteds: "&7目前没有Wanteds"
maximum-wanted-changed: "&7最大Wanted等级已成功修改"
plugin-reloaded: "&7插件重载成功"
item-cooldown: "&7物品正在冷却中"
find-usage: "&7用法 &a/wanted find <玩家>"
operation: "&7用法 &a/wanted %action% <玩家> <数值>"
clear-operator: "&7用法 &a/wanted clear <玩家>"
maximum-usage: "&7用法 &a/wanted maximum <玩家>"
get-wanted-usage: "&7用法 &a/wanted look <玩家>"
log-usage: "&7用法 &a/wanted log <date> <range>"
clear-wanted: "&7Wanted 已被清除"
take-wanted: "&7Wanted 已被扣除"
add-wanted: "&7Wanted 已被添加"
set-wanted: "&7Wanted 设置成功"
valid-number: "&7请输入一个有效数字"
player-wanted: "&7你的Wanted等级是 &a%wanted%"
console-sender: "§7你无法在控制台这样做"
loading-data: "&7数据仍在加载 或者是空的 请稍后再尝试"
message-on-kill-player: "&7你杀死了 &a%player_name% &7并收到了 &a%wanted% &7Wanted等级 战斗开始&f&l: &a%fight_starter%"
message-on-kill-npc: "&7你杀死了 &a%npc_name% &7并收到了 &a%wanted% &7Wanted等级"
message-on-kill-mob: "&7你杀死了 &a%mob% &7并收到了 &a%wanted% &7Wanted等级"
help-header: "&6&lWanted 帮助"
wanted-reload-help: "&8- &a/wanted reload &7重载插件"
wanted-find-help: "&8- &a/wanted find <玩家> &7追踪玩家"
wanted-maximum-help: "&8- &a/wanted maximum <数值> &7设置Wanted等级上限"
wanted-clear-help: "&8- &a/wanted clear <玩家> &7清除玩家的Wanted等级"
wanted-set-help: "&8- &a/wanted set <玩家> <数值> &7设置玩家的Wanted等级"
wanted-take-help: "&8- &a/wanted take <玩家> <数值> &7扣除玩家的Wanted等级"
wanted-add-help: "&8- &a/wanted add <玩家> <数值> &7添加玩家的Wanted等级"
wanteds-help: "&8- &a/wanteds &7查看最近的玩家"
next-page-help: "&7第&a一&7页 &8| &7共&a两&7页"
wanted-gui-help: "&8- &a/wanted gui &7查看GUI信息"
wanted-get-help: "&8- &a/wanted get|look <玩家> &7查看玩家的Wanted等级"
wanted-top-help: "&8- &a/wanted top &7查看Wanted等级排行(前10)"
wanted-help-help: "&8- &a/wanted help <page> &7查看帮助"
prev-page-help: "&7第&a二&7页 &8| &7共&a两&7页"
wanted-symbol: "✯"
player-wanted-list-format: "&a%player% &7» &6%symbol%"
wanted-gui-title: "&6&lWanted &8- &7第 %page% 页"
wanted-gui-refresh-button: "&7刷新"
wanted-gui-next-page-button: "&7» &a下一页 &7»"
wanted-gui-prev-page-button: "&7« &a上一页 &7«"
wanted-gui-player-title: "&6&l%player_name%"
  - "&7Wanted等级&f&l: &a%wanted%"
  - "&7Last Victim: &b%last_victim%"
  - "&7世界&f&l: &a%world%"
  - "&7坐标&f&l: &a%location%"
bar-title: "&7距离&f&l: &a%distance%个方块"
complaint-confirm: "&cYou got killed by &7%killer%&c, If you want to make a complaint, Please type &7/complaint"
complaint-expire: "&cComplaint time for getting killed by &7%killer &chas been expired."
complaint-already-expire: "&cYour complaint time is already expired!"
complaint-submit: "&aYour complaint has been submitted!"
cant-complain: "&cYou can't complain at this time."
wanted-complaint-help: "&7- &a/wanted &bcomplaint"
different-world: "&cThis player is on another world."
log-message-header: "&b%date% &elogs &7(Range: %range%):"
log-message: "&8[&7%time%&8] &c%killer% &7killed &c%victim% &7in &c%world% &7at &c%location% &b| &7New Wanted: &c%wanted%"
successfully-arrest: "<SOLID:60C924>The %target% was successfully arrested!"
cant-arrest: "<SOLID:E54A10>You can't arrest this player!"
arrest-usage: "<SOLID:E54A10>Usage: /wanted arrest <player>"
self-arrest: "<SOLID:E54A10>You can't arrest yourself"
disabled-arrest: "<SOLID:E54A10>The Arrest mode is disabled at this time."
arrest-notification: "<SOLID:059DFF>%player% <SOLID:D2E60A>arrested <SOLID:059DFF>%target%<SOLID:D2E60A>!"
  • Custom commands on kill or arrest.

  • Someone arrest/killed a Wanted player? give them their reward! You can run custom commands from Console/Victim/Killer/Hunter when someone gets arrested or killed! (it works for NPC and Mobs too)

  • https://i.imgur.com/j8pO6bp.png

  • Mob kill support.

  • You can add/take Wanted level when a player kills mobs.

  • https://i.imgur.com/MmmSHn6.png

mob section
    Enable: false
    KillMessage: true
    Enable: false
        - 'KILLER;spawn'
        - 'CONSOLE;say %victim% died'
        - 'CONSOLE;say %killer% killed %victim%'
    - COW;1
    - CHICKEN;1
    - PIG;2
    - ZOMBIE;-1
    - CREEPER;-2
  • Easy to configure.

  • There isn't anything complex (really?). You can read the comments in the config file and plugin overview page to understand everything you need.

  • Wanted top and WantedGUI.

  • You can use the "/wanted top" command to see the most Wanted players. also, there is a WantedGUI system with a good caching system.

  • Wanted GUI https://i.imgur.com/xnn31Rk.png

  • Wanted Top https://i.imgur.com/ftxopGp.png

  • Log system.

  • Something missing? You can find it in the log files! also there is a "/wanted log

  • https://i.imgur.com/ym4wzv8.png

  • Gradient and RGB support!

  • The plugin supports Gradient and RGB. The format is simple and you can understand it by reading the default language file.

  • https://i.imgur.com/P2P28XE.png

  • Citizens support!

  • You can give players Wanted level when they kill NPC(s).

  • https://i.imgur.com/s4iEgOW.png

  • WorldGuard support! (7.X Only)

  • You can add blacklisted/whitelisted regions to set where the killer should receive the Wanted level and where should not.

  • PlaceholderAPI support!

  • You can use "%wanted_wanted_formatted%" and "%wanted_wanted_count%" placeholder in any plugin to show the player Wanted level.

  • https://i.imgur.com/j1j4Hyu.pnghttps://i.imgur.com/sj9yB3z.png

# Commands and Permissions

  • [] = Require | <> = Optional *

  • wanted

  • Description:

  • Check the Wanted number.

  • Permission(s):

  • wanted.admin

  • wanted.use

  • wanteds

  • Description:

  • See the list of Wanted players (sorted by newest to oldest).

  • Permission(s):

  • wanted.admin

  • wanted.list

  • wanted get [player]

  • Description:

  • Get a specific player Wanted level.

  • Permission(s):

  • wanted.admin

  • wanted.get

  • wanted find [player]

  • Description:

  • Find a player with Compass & BossBar.

  • Permission(s):

  • wanted.admin

  • wanted.find

  • wanted clear [player]

  • Description:

  • Clear the Wanted level.

  • Permission(s):

  • wanted.admin

  • wanted.clear

  • wanted take [player] [number]

  • Description:

  • Take the Wanted level.

  • Permission(s):

  • wanted.admin

  • wanted.take

  • wanted add [player] [number]

  • Description:

  • Increase the Wanted level.

  • Permission(s):

  • wanted.admin

  • wanted.add

  • wanted set [player] [number]

  • Description:

  • Set the Wanted level.

  • Permission(s):

  • wanted.admin

  • wanted.set

  • wanted top

  • Description:

  • See the list of top Wanted players.

  • Permission(s):

  • wanted.admin

  • wanted.top

  • wanted gui

  • Description:

  • Open the Wanted GUI.

  • Permission(s):

  • wanted.admin

  • wanted.gui

  • wanted help

  • Description:

  • See the list of Wanted commands.

  • Permission(s):

  • wanted.admin

  • wanted.help

  • wanted maximum [number]

  • Description:

  • Set the maximum Wanted number.

  • Permission(s):

  • wanted.admin

  • wanted reload

  • Description:

  • Reload the configuration and language file.

  • Permission(s):

  • wanted.admin

  • wanted log [time] [range]

  • Description:

  • See the list of Wanted players log in specific time and range.

  • Permission(s):

  • wanted.admin

  • wanted.log

  • wanted arrest [player]

  • Description:

  • It takes Wanted player wanted level (only works when ArrestMode is enabled in the configuration file).

  • Permission(s):

  • wanted.admin

  • wanted.arrest

  • complaint

  • Description:

  • The victim can complain to the killer when he dies (only works when ComplainMode is enabled in the configuration file).

  • Permission(s):

  • wanted.admin

  • wanted.use

# Support If you need help/support or find any bugs please PM me in a spigot or contact me via discord for fast support. I am pretty happy to help you! My Discord: Syrent#1748

Consider supporting me? Leave a five-star review if you liked this plugin :)

v1 overview




CategoryRole Playing
Published onMarch 8, 2023

Pinned Versions


Avatar for Syrent

