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Command Line Interface for Minecraft Servers

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Command Line Interface for quickly listing, installing builds of Minecraft Servers This is good for developers who need to quickly install and test there plugins on different server versions

Installation guide: https://github.com/notTamion/MinecraftServerCLI/wiki/Installation

Currently supported servers: paper, travertine, waterfall, velocity, folia, purpur, magma, fabric

Here are a few examples:

mcs projects

Lists all currently available projects

mcs versions

Lists all currently available versions of paper

mcs versions purpur

Lists all currently available versions of purpur

mcs builds 1.19.2

Lists all currently available builds of paper version 1.19.2

mcs builds -p purpur

Lists all currently available builds of the latest purpur version

mcs install

Installs and starts the latest build of paper

mcs install 1.19.2 -p purpur -ng

Installs and starts the latest build of purpur version 1.19.2 without gui

mcs install -d Servers/Paper -b 131 -m 4G -n

Installs without starting the build 131 of the latest paper version in the directory "Servers/Paper" giving it 4G of memory when using mcs start

mcs start -m 2G -ng

Starts the server in the current directory with 2G of memory and without gui

mcs start -d Servers/Paper

Starts the server in the directory "Servers/Paper"

Note: Most commands default to the latest build/version of paper

For more information use the --help flag on the command For help please contact me on spigot or discord: tamion


Published onSeptember 4, 2023

Pinned Versions


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