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A simple, straight-forward way to communicate with Staff on your Bungee network!

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TheAlgorithm476 released BungeeCordStaffChat version 3.0 on July 11, 2023

Now releasing BCSC 3.0, the 3rd Major version of BungeeCord Staff Chat. This release features a few changes:

  • Java 17 is now the minimum required version to run BCSC.
    • This is done to encourage server owners to adapt more recent LTS versions, rather than sticking to Java 8. Java 8 has been with us for almost 10 years now, and it is starting to show its age. Java 17 offers many advantages, such as overall better speeds and stability, and allows us developers to use more modern language features, that make our lives easier as well.
    • All plugins written for Java 8 will work just fine with Java 17, so you don't have to worry about that either. Java is known to be really into backwards compatibility
  • The plugin has been reworked from the ground up to be more stable, and reduce code repetition. This makes it easier to update the plugin in the future.
  • Added /sc toggle, allowing staff to always write to staff chat, without requiring the prefix or /sc command. Using /sc toggle again will turn it off.
    • This can be disabled in the config.
  • Pushed the config version to 2, to reflect config changes due to /sc toggle.
    • BCSC will automatically migrate over to the new config version, reserving your old settings in the process.
    • Backing up your existing config is recommended. The chance for things to go wrong is small, but it is possible. Backing up should be a good practice anyways.

With this release of BCSC, I've also finally made the code open source, for everyone to see. It can be found at https://github.com/TheAlgorithm476/BungeeCordStaffChat.

I would also like to thank NiceCraftz for testing out this release.


Published onJuly 11, 2023


Waterfall Waterfall (1.18-1.20)