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A simple, straight-forward way to communicate with Staff on your Bungee network!

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Most up to date version can be found on SpigotMC

BungeeCord Staff Chat: A simple, straight-forward way to communicate with Staff on your Bungee network!

With BCSC, talking to staff privately is as easy as installing the JAR, and restarting your proxy!

Note: Starting with Version 3.0, Java 17 is required to run this plugin!

How to install:

  1. Download BCSC from SpigotMC or Hangar (Any source other than those is NOT me, and should not be trusted!)
  2. Drop the JAR file in your Proxy's Plugins folder
  3. Restart your Proxy
  4. You're in! BCSC is installed and immediately usable. You can configure the plugin through the config.yml file.

Coming from an older version? Don't worry. BCSC will automatically upgrade your config file, preserving your settings in the process.


  • bcsc.use
    • Main permission. Anyone with this permission will be able to use Staff Chat.


  • /staffchat, /sc
    • Main command of BCSC. All subcommands are based on this one
  • /sc reload
    • Reloads the config
  • /sc toggle
    • Toggles Staff Chat, so you don't have to use the prefix or command anymore. Execute again to disable.
  • /sc message
    • Writes a message in Staff Chat
  • prefix message
    • Prefix is the String you defined in the config
    • Writes a message in Staff Chat.

Having problems? Spotted a bug? Have a suggestion? Please contact me on Discord, at thealgorithm476, or open an Issue on GitHub!

Please do not use the Review section for Problems or Suggestions! They will be ignored! The Review Section is for reviews. For problems/bugs and/or suggestions, please use Discord or GitHub.


Published onJuly 11, 2023

Pinned Versions
