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Just a plugin for banning or tempbans or kicks or warns or tempwarns

Report GalaxyAdvanced?


A Sorta Confgiureable Plugin You Can Config The Ban times for the warn offenses

commands: tempban: description: Temporarily ban a player usage: /tempban

ban: description: Permanently ban a player usage: /ban

kick: description: Kick a player usage: /kick

warn: description: Warn a player usage: /warn

tempwarn: description: Temporarily warn a player usage: /tempwarn

help: description: Displays help for the plugin commands usage: /help


galaxyadvanced.tempban: description: Allows the player to use the /tempban command default: op

galaxyadvanced.ban: description: Allows the player to use the /ban command default: op

galaxyadvanced.kick: description: Allows the player to use the /kick command default: op

galaxyadvanced.warn: description: Allows the player to use the /warn command default: op

galaxyadvanced.tempwarn: description: Allows the player to use the /tempwarn command default: op

galaxyadvanced.help: description: Allows the player to use the /help command default: op


CategoryAdmin Tools
Published onSeptember 30, 2024

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