A modern alternative to EssentialsX
There is a known issue when updating from version 3.0.x to 3.1.0 or upcoming, all commands will be disabled.
This won't be fixed soon because it is of low priority and only happens when updating.
After updating, you can fix this by replacing all enabled: false
with enabled: true
in commands.json
Version 3.0.0 introduces several breaking changes: command, permission, and translation incompatibilities.
It is highly recommended to delete the entire Tweaks
folder before upgrading to avoid conflicts with outdated
Tweaks only supports the latest version of Paper (1.21.1)
The latest version of Tweaks requires Java 21
Latest version supporting 1.19-1.20.4 (Java 19)
Latest version supporting 1.19-1.20.4 (Java 17)
Environmental commands
Time commands
Command | Alternatives | Description | Permission |
/time add <time> [<world>] |
add N amount of ticks to the world time | tweaks.command.time.add | |
/time query [day/daytime/gametime] [<world>] |
query the time of a world | tweaks.command.time.query | |
/time set afternoon [<world>] |
set the time to afternoon (9000 ticks) | tweaks.command.time.afternoon | |
/time set day [<world>] |
/day [<world>] |
set the time to day (1000 ticks) | |
/time set midnight [<world>] |
/midnight [<world>] |
set the time to midnight (18000 ticks) | tweaks.command.time.midnight |
/time set morning [<world>] |
set the time to morning (0 ticks) | tweaks.command.time.morning | |
/time set night [<world>] |
/night [<world>] |
set the time to night (13000 ticks) | tweaks.command.time.night |
/time set noon [<world>] |
/noon [<world>] |
set the time to noon (6000 ticks) | tweaks.command.time.noon |
/time set sunrise [<world>] |
set the time to sunrise (23000 ticks) | tweaks.command.time.sunrise | |
/time set sunset [<world>] |
set the time to sunset (12000 ticks) | tweaks.command.time.sunset |
Weather commands
Command | Alternatives | Description | Permission |
/weather clear |
/sun |
let the sun shine | |
/weather rain |
/rain |
let it rain | |
/weather thunder |
/thunder |
let it thunder | |
The perm-pack to grant all permissions: tweaks.commands.environmental
Home commands
Command | Aliases | Description | Permission |
/delete-home [<name>] |
/delhome |
Delete your homes | tweaks.command.home.delete |
/home [<name>] |
Teleport you to your homes | tweaks.command.home | |
/homes |
List all of your homes | tweaks.command.home | |
/set-home [<name>] |
/sethome |
Set a home | tweaks.command.home.set |
Item commands
Command | Aliases | Description | Permission |
/enchant <enchantment> [<level>] |
enchant your tools | tweaks.command.enchant | |
/head [player/url/value] [<value>] |
/skull |
receive heads or information about them | tweaks.command.head |
/item [item] (amount) |
/i |
gives you an item of your choice | tweaks.command.item |
/lore apped <text> |
append a line to the lore of your item | tweaks.command.lore | |
/lore clear |
clear the lore of your item | tweaks.command.lore | |
/lore prepend <text> |
prepend a line to the lore of your item | tweaks.command.lore | |
/lore replace <text> <replacement> |
replace a specific string in the lore of your item | tweaks.command.lore | |
/lore set <text> |
set the lore of your item | tweaks.command.lore | |
/rename <name> |
change the displayname of your item | tweaks.command.rename | |
/repair [all] |
repair your tools | | |
/unbreakable |
makes your item unbreakable | tweaks.command.unbreakable | |
/unenchant <enchantment> |
unenchant your tools | tweaks.command.unenchant |
The perm-pack to grant all permissions: tweaks.commands.item
MSG commands
Command | Aliases | Description | Permission |
/msg <player> <message> |
/tell /write /t /w |
Send a private message to a player | tweaks.command.msg |
/msgtoggle |
/togglemsg |
Toggle receiving private messages | tweaks.command.msg.toggle |
/reply <message> |
/r |
Reply to the last received private message | tweaks.command.msg.reply |
Player commands
Command | Aliases | Description | Permission | Argument | Permission |
/back |
go back to your last position | tweaks.command.back | |||
/enderchest [<player>] |
/ec |
open your own or someone else's enderchest | tweaks.command.enderchest permits to use the command /enderchest to allow changes inside of an enderchest, grant
player | *.others |
/feed [<players>] |
satisfy your own or someone else's hunger | tweaks.command.feed | player | *.others | |
/fly [<players>] |
/flight |
toggle your own or someone else's fly state | | player | *.others |
/gamemode [gamemode] [<player>] |
/gm |
change your own or someone else's gamemode | tweaks.command.gamemode permits to use the command /gamemode |
player | *.others |
/god [<targets>] |
/invincible |
make you or someone else invulnerable | tweaks.command.god | player | *.others |
/hat |
equip your item as a hat | tweaks.command.hat | |||
/trash |
/dispose /garbage |
dispose of your unwanted items | tweaks.command.trash | ||
/heal [<targets>] |
heal yourself or someone else | tweaks.command.heal | player | *.others | |
/inventory [<player>] |
/inv /invsee |
open your own or someone else's inventory | tweaks.command.inventory permits to use the command /inventory to allow changes inside of an inventory, grant
/offline-teleport <player> [<target>] |
/offline-tp /tpo |
teleport offline-players to others or you to them | tweaks.command.offline-tp | ||
/ping [<player>] |
/latency /ms |
see your own or someone else's latency | | player | *.others |
/seen <player> |
/find |
gives you information about a player | tweaks.command.seen | ||
/speed <speed> [fly/sneak/walk] [<targets>] |
Change your own or others fly, sneak or walk speed | tweaks.command.speed | targets | *.others | |
/speed reset [fly/sneak/walk] [<targets>] |
Reset your own or others fly, sneak or walk speed | tweaks.command.speed | targets | *.others | |
/suicide |
take your own life | tweaks.command.suicide | |||
/vanish (player) |
/v /invisible |
hide yourself or someone else from others | tweaks.command.vanish |
The perm-pack to grant all permissions: tweaks.commands.player
Server commands
Command | Aliases | Description | Permission |
/broadcast <message> |
/bc |
Broadcast a message | tweaks.command.broadcast |
/lobby |
/hub /l |
Connect to the lobby | tweaks.command.lobby |
/motd clear |
Reset the motd of the server | tweaks.command.motd | |
/motd get |
Get the motd of the server | tweaks.command.motd | |
/motd replace <text> <replacement> |
Replace a string in the motd of the server | tweaks.command.motd | |
/motd set <motd> |
Change the motd of the server | tweaks.command.motd |
The perm-pack to grant all permissions: tweaks.commands.server
Social commands
Command | Aliases | Description |
/discord |
/dc |
Receive the server's Discord invite |
/reddit |
Receive the server's Subreddit link | |
/teamspeak |
/teamspeak3 /ts /ts3 |
Receive the server's TeamSpeak link |
/website |
Receive the server's Website url | |
/x |
/twitter |
Receive the server's X profile link |
/youtube |
/yt |
Receive the server's YouTube channel link |
Spawn commands
Command | Aliases | Description | Permission |
/set-spawn [<position>] [<yaw>] <pitch> [<world>] |
/setspawn |
Set the spawn location | tweaks.command.setspawn |
/spawn |
Teleport you to spawn | tweaks.command.spawn |
TPA commands
Command | Aliases | Description | Permission |
/tpa <player> |
/tpask |
Request to teleport to a player | tweaks.command.tpa |
/tpaccept |
Accept a teleport request | tweaks.command.tpa.accept | |
/tpadeny |
/tpdeny |
Deny a teleport request | tweaks.command.tpa.deny |
/tpahere <player> |
/tphere |
Request a player to teleport to you | |
/tpatoggle |
/toggletpa |
Toggle the ability to receive teleport requests | tweaks.command.tpa.toggle |
Warp commands
Command | Aliases | Description | Permission |
/delete-warp <warp> |
/delwarp |
Delete a warp point | tweaks.command.warp.delete |
/set-warp <warp> |
/setwarp |
Set a new warp point | tweaks.command.warp.set |
/warp <warp> |
Warp to a location | tweaks.command.warp | |
/warps |
List all available warps | tweaks.command.warp |
Workstation commands
Command | Aliases | Description | Permission |
/anvil |
Open a virtual anvil | tweaks.command.anvil | |
/cartography-table |
/cartography |
Open a virtual cartography table | tweaks.command.cartography-table |
/enchanting-table |
/enchanting |
Open a virtual enchanting table | tweaks.command.enchanting-table |
/grindstone |
Open a virtual grindstone | tweaks.command.grindstone | |
/loom |
Open a virtual loom | tweaks.command.loom | |
/smithing-table |
/smithing |
Open a virtual smithing table | tweaks.command.smithing-table |
/stonecutter |
Open a virtual stonecutter | tweaks.command.stonecutter | |
/workbench |
/wb |
Open a virtual workbench | tweaks.command.workbench |
The perm-pack to grant all permissions: tweaks.commands.workstation
Chat Tags
These tags can be used within the chat-format
of your translation files. To insert a tag, use <tag>
Tag | Description |
delete | A clickable component to delete the message. |
display_name | The display name of the sender. |
message | The original message sent by the player. |
message_content | The text content of the sent message. Usable within click and hover actions. |
player | The username of the sender. |
world | The world where the sender is located. |
Group and Display-Related Tags
These tags require a ServiceIO-compatible group/chat plugin, such as LuckPerms
Tag | Description |
chat_display_name | Displays the player's display name. (not the same as display_name ) |
chat_prefix | The prefix of the sender. |
chat_suffix | The suffix of the sender. |
player_group | The group of the sender. |
group_prefix | The prefix of the sender's group. |
group_suffix | The suffix of the sender's group. |
Economy-Related Tags
These tags require a ServiceIO-compatible economy plugin, such as Economist.
Tag | Description |
balance | Displays the player's current balance, formatted according to the server's economy settings. |
balance_unformatted | Displays the player's balance without any formatting (raw number). |
bank_balance | Displays the player's bank account balance (if applicable), formatted as per the economy settings. |
bank_balance_unformatted | Displays the player's bank account balance without formatting (raw number). |
currency_name | Displays the singular form of the server's currency name (e.g., "Dollar", "Coin"). |
currency_name_plural | Displays the plural form of the currency name (e.g., "Dollars", "Coins"). |
currency_symbol | Displays the symbol of the currency (e.g., "$", "€"). |
For more information about MiniMessage, visit their Documentation
Chat Message Deletion
The delete-tag-format
option allows you to customize the appearance of the message deletion component.
For security purposes, only users with the permission
will be able to see the delete tag.
To allow users to delete their own messages, grant the permission:
This feature requires ServiceIO and a compatible permission plugin such as LuckPerms.
The chat hierarchy system controls who can delete whose messages based on a user's weight. A user's weight determines their deletion privileges. Users can only delete messages from others with equal or lower weights.
Admin: deletion weight 99 Admins can delete messages from Admins, Moderators, and Players.
Moderator: deletion weight 50 Moderators can delete messages from Moderators and Players but not Admins.
Player: deletion weight undefined Players can't delete messages from anyone.
Setting Weights in LuckPerms:
To assign a hierarchy weight in LuckPerms, use the following permission:<weight>
Alternatively, you can use the command:
/lp user <player> meta set chat-delete-weight <weight>
General Configuration
Option | Description |
message-deletion-timeout |
Time in milliseconds chat messages may be deleted for. |
back-buffer-stack-size |
How many back-locations should be stored per user. |
default-permission-level |
Clientside permission level assigned to users. (1-4) |
enchantment-overflow |
Enables or disables enchantment overflow. |
override-join-message |
Whether join messages should be overridden. |
override-quit-message |
Whether quit messages should be overridden. |
override-chat |
Whether tweaks should override the chat. |
log-chat |
Whether the chat should be logged to console. |
lobby-server-name |
Name of the lobby server (for /lobby ). |
motd |
Message of the day for the server. |
Features Configuration
Option | Description |
homes |
Enables or disables the homes feature. |
msg |
Enables or disables the private message feature. |
spawn |
Enables or disables the spawn feature. |
tpa |
Enables or disables the teleport request feature. |
warps |
Enables or disables the warps feature. |
lobby |
Enables or disables the lobby feature. (Right mode should be detected) |
Features Social Configuration
Option | Description |
add-link-commands |
Enable link commands like /discord , /reddit etc. |
add-server-links |
Whether to add the links to the Server Links tab. |
announcements |
Enables the announcements feature. |
community |
Enables the community feature. |
feedback |
Enables the feedback feature. |
forum |
Enables the forum feature. |
guidelines |
Enables the guidelines feature. |
issues |
Enables the issues feature. |
news |
Enables the news feature. |
status |
Enables the status feature. |
support |
Enables the support feature. |
website |
Enables the website feature. |
discord |
Enables the Discord link command. |
reddit |
Enables the Reddit link command. |
teamspeak |
Enables the TeamSpeak link command. |
twitch |
Enables the Twitch link command. |
x |
Enables the X (Twitter) link command. |
youtube |
Enables the YouTube link command. |
Home Configuration
Option | Description |
limit |
Maximum number of homes allowed (negative value indicates unlimited). |
unnamed-name |
Default name for unnamed homes. |
Spawn Configuration
Option | Description |
teleport-on-first-join |
Teleports player to spawn on first join. |
teleport-on-join |
Teleports player to spawn on join. |
teleport-on-respawn |
Teleports player to spawn on respawn. |
ignore-respawn-position |
Ignores the exact respawn position. |
location |
Spawn location (in world, x, y, z, yaw, pitch format). |
GUI Configuration
Inventory GUI
Option | Description |
helmet |
Material for the helmet placeholder slot in GUI. |
chestplate |
Material for the chestplate placeholder slot in GUI. |
leggings |
Material for the leggings placeholder slot in GUI. |
boots |
Material for the boots placeholder slot in GUI. |
off-hand |
Material for the off-hand placeholder slot in GUI. |
cursor |
Material for the cursor placeholder slot in GUI. |
placeholder |
Material for placeholder slots in GUI. |
update-time |
Update time for the inventory GUI in ticks. (1s = 20) |
Homes GUI
Option | Description |
enabled |
Enables or disables the homes GUI. (chat based if disabled) |
rows |
Number of rows in the homes GUI. |
action-slots |
Slots in the homes GUI that may contain homes. |
button-slot-next |
Slot for the next button in the homes GUI. |
button-slot-previous |
Slot for the previous button in the homes GUI. |
Warps GUI
Option | Description |
enabled |
Enables or disables the warps GUI. (chat base if disabled) |
rows |
Number of rows in the warps GUI. |
action-slots |
Slots in the warps GUI that may contain warps. |
button-slot-next |
Slot for the next button in the warps GUI. |
button-slot-previous |
Slot for the previous button in the warps GUI. |
Name Icons
Option | Description |
name-icons |
Icons for named locations. |
"name-icons": {
"End Ship": "minecraft:elytra",
"Bastion": "minecraft:polished_blackstone_bricks",
"Mine": "minecraft:diamond",
"Casino": "minecraft:gold_ingot"
Teleport Configuration
Option | Description |
cooldown |
Cooldown time in milliseconds for teleportation. |
cooldown-allow-movement |
Allows movement during teleport cooldown. |
tpa-timeout |
Timeout duration in milliseconds for teleport requests. |
The permission to bypass the teleportation cooldown is tweaks.teleport.cooldown.bypass
Animals Configuration
Option | Description |
cow-milking-cooldown |
Cooldown time in milliseconds for cow milking. |
mushroom-stew-cooldown |
Cooldown time in milliseconds for getting mushroom stew from a mooshroom. |
sheep-wool-growth-cooldown |
Cooldown time in milliseconds before sheep can grow back their wool. |
animal-heal-by-feeding |
Enables or disables animal healing by feeding them. |
Links Configuration
Option | Description |
announcements |
URL for announcements. |
community |
URL for community. |
feedback |
URL for feedback. |
forum |
URL for the forum. |
guidelines |
URL for guidelines. |
issues |
URL for issues tracking. |
news |
URL for the news page. |
status |
URL for the status page. |
support |
URL for the support page. |
website |
URL for the main website. |
discord |
URL for the Discord server invitation. |
reddit |
URL for the subreddit. |
teamspeak |
URL for the TeamSpeak server. |
twitch |
URL for the Twitch channel. |
x |
URL for the X (Twitter) profile. |
youtube |
URL for the YouTube channel. |
Commands file
"hello": {
// the key can't be changed
"command": "test",
// can be named whatever you want
"aliases": [
// can contain as many aliases you want
// can even be empty to work on '/'
"nope": {
"command": "nope",
"aliases": []
// can be empty, to not register any aliases
Category | Miscellaneous |
Published on | May 25, 2023 |
License | GPL |
Downloads | 550 |
Stars | 6 |
Watchers | 3 |