Welcome to the Hangar Open Beta. Please report any issue you encounter on GitHub!
This plugin allows you to create a simple help message in chat for players to see when they run the /help command.
When updating please read this: https://hcdocs.voidem.com/updating-versions
The configuration file is easy to understand with comments on most lines.
V2.8 config.yml
# Welcome to the HelpCommand config.yml
# You can edit values here for the plugin
# Support
# Documentation: https://hcdocs.voidem.com/
# Discord server: https://support.voidem.com/
# Discord user: voidem
# Spigot user: VoidemLIVE
# GitHub repository: https://github.com/VoidemLIVE/Help-Command-Plugin
# Plugin config
# Main Help Command
# version: "2.8" DO NOT CHANGE THIS VALUE
# updateCheck: true recommended to keep this value as true
- "&5----------"
- "&b&lServer&d&lName"
- "&bPage 1: Navigation"
- "&5----------"
- "&b/warp &7&l- &r&dTeleport to predefined locations"
- "&b/home &7&l- &r&dTeleport to your set home location"
- "&b/tpa &7&l- &r&dRequest to teleport to another player"
- "&b/tpahere &7&l- &r&dRequest another player to teleport to you"
- "&5----------"
- "&5----------"
- "&b&lServer&d&lName"
- "&bPage 2: Utility"
- "&5----------"
- "&b/heal &7&l- &r&dRestore your health"
- "&b/feed &7&l- &r&dSatisfy your hunger"
- "&b/repair &7&l- &r&dRepair your equipped items"
- "&b/vote &7&l- &r&dVote for the server"
- "&5----------"
- "&5----------"
- "&b&lServer&d&lName"
- "&bPage 3: Interaction"
- "&5----------"
- "&b/msg &7&l- &r&dSend a private message to another player"
- "&b/mute &7&l- &r&dMute a player in the chat"
- "&b/unmute &7&l- &r&dUnmute a previously muted player"
- "&b/report &7&l- &r&dReport a player for misconduct"
- "&5----------"
- "&5----------"
- "&b&lServer&d&lName"
- "&bPage 4: Management"
- "&5----------"
- "&b/ban &7&l- &r&dBan a player from the server"
- "&b/kick &7&l- &r&dKick a player from the server"
- "&b/mutechat &7&l- &r&dMute the global chat"
- "&b/clearinventory &7&l- &r&dClear your inventory"
- "&5----------"
- "&5----------"
- "&b&lServer&d&lName"
- "&bPage 5: Fun Commands"
- "&5----------"
- "&b/summon &7&l- &r&dSummon a mob"
- "&b/lightning &7&l- &r&dStrike lightning at a location"
- "&b/tpall &7&l- &r&dTeleport all players to your location"
- "&b/fly &7&l- &r&dToggle flying mode"
- "&5----------"
- "&5----------"
- "&b&lServer&d&lName"
- "&bPage 6: Miscellaneous"
- "&5----------"
- "&b/stats &7&l- &r&dDisplay your player statistics"
- "&b/afk &7&l- &r&dSet yourself as away from keyboard"
- "&b/rules &7&l- &r&dDisplay server rules"
- "&b/reportbug &7&l- &r&dReport a bug to the server administrators"
- "&5----------"
# It is recommended not to delete these pages and to just use the pagesEnabled list to control which pages are to be available
# pagesEnabled: [1,2,3,4,5,6] sets the pages that can be accessed
#aliases: ["helpnav", "helputil", "helpinteract", "helpmanage", "helpfun", "helpmisc"] # sets the aliases for the help command. REQUIRES FULL SERVER RELOAD/RESTART
# Enabled Commands
# Please make sure that this value below is either true or false
helpcmd: true
# Language
# reload: '&aHelpCommand reloading' sets message for /hc reload
# disabled: '&cThis command is disabled' sets message for if a command is disabled
# noargument: '&cPlease use an argument' sets message for /hc if no arguments are provided
# playersOnly: 'Only players can use this command' sets message for when a command is run from the console
# pageNA: '&cThis page does not exist!' sets message for if a page doesn't exist
enabled: true
pageNumberColour: 'GREEN'
pageTextColour: 'GOLD'
page: 'Page'
All Minecraft colour and formatting codes are able to be used. Hex codes may also be used along with gradients and other features. All string fields in config.yml support the colouring system.
using a hex code gradient
Help Command Colouring System
To make a gradient:
- "<GRADIENT:FF0000>ServerName Help</GRADIENT:FFBEBE>"
To make a static hex:
- "<SOLID:FF0080>ServerName Help"
To make a rainbow text (Normal rainbow):
To make a different shade of rainbow: Add a number to the end of RAINBOW e.g , etc
Servers using Help Command
If you use the plugin and would like your server here, please join my Discord server and DM me.
Pinned Versions