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A bridge library plugin for using PlaceholderAPI on proxy servers

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William278 released PAPIProxyBridge version 1.4 on September 6, 2023

PAPIProxyBridge 1.4 adds support for formatting serialised component placeholders and fixes bugs. This version supports 1.20.1 on Fabric.

  • Added new methods to support placeholders returning adventure Components.
    • Placeholders that resolve to components can now be returned natively through the #formatComponentPlaceholders method
    • This allows for placeholders to contain formatting and chat events
  • Fixed a thread deadlocking issue that could rarely occur on Velocity
  • Fixed the Velocity implementation not specifying that it had handled a plugin message, causing other plugins relying on these to fail in certain circumstances

To update, just drag+drop.


Published onSeptember 6, 2023


Paper Paper (1.16-1.20.1)
Waterfall Waterfall (1.16-1.20)
Velocity Velocity (3.2)


Paper Paper
Edit Plugin Dependencies: Paper