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Allows players in survival to easily edit armor stand pose and attributes without commands.

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A continuation of the project originally maintained by RypoFalem. Join our Discord.

Allows players in survival to easily edit armor stand pose and attributes. I hated that there was no way to edit armor stands without using command blocks or giving players permission to use dangerous(if given to everyone) cumbersome commands.


  • Easily edit armor stands with no commands
  • Quick to learn
  • Rotate all armor stand parts along each axis.
  • Rotate the entire armor stand after it is placed.
  • Open up the armor stand's inventory to place items where they wouldn't normally go. (Allows for dual wielding, banners on heads, pumpkins in had, etc.)
  • Crouch+Scroll to change the axis on the fly without opening the menu.
  • Fine adjustment allows you to fine-tune a body part's position while coarse adjustment allows you to quickly get it close to the intended position.
  • Toggle show arms, invisibility, baseplate, normal/small size, and gravity.
  • Move armor stands around to get them exactly where you want them.
  • Copy settings of one armor stand and paste them to another.
  • Survival-friendly pasting: It does not copy/paste/duplicate items unless the player is in creative mode.
  • Store the copied settings in one of 9 copy slots.
  • Name armor stands with name tags, just like with vanilla mobs.
  • Now with colored names!
  • (1.17) Glowing Item Frames Support
  • Respects almost all protection plugins including Worldguard, Towny, GriefPrevention, and Residence.
  • (1.18) Towny Support
  • (1.19.4) Folia Support

How to use

  • Hold the editing tool in your main hand(flint by default)
  • Left/right-click away from an armor stand to open the menu
  • Select the labeled menu options
  • Left/Right Click the armor stand with the tool in hand to apply those options.


  • Shift+scroll wheel up/down changes axis quickly
  • Remember that when rotating body parts left click rotates one direction and right-clicking the armor stand rotates it the opposite way.
  • Coarse adjustment rotates body parts quickly, while fine adjustment allows you to fine-tune the position once it is close.
  • When you copy armor stand settings, the tool automatically switches to paste mode
  • Are other ArmorStands getting in the way? Press the switch-items key (default F) to target a specific armor stand.

Where can I report Issues? Where can I ask for new Features? You can report any issues and submit new feature requests on: Wolfieheart/ArmorStandEditor/Issues **. Note: A github account is required in order to do so.

Open to Translations! Please submit them as Feature Requests.

You can find the full history of the plugin on:** https://github.com/Wolfieheart/ArmorStandEditor/releases


permissions: asedit.basic: description: Allow use armorstand edit functions. If set to false it will override all other functions. default: true asedit.armorstand.invisible: description: Toggles ArmorStand visibility. default: true asedit.itemframe.invisible: description: Allows setting of ItemFrame Visibility default: true asedit.rename: description: Rename armorstands - Now Supports Color default: true asedit.equipment: description: Access armorstand equipment GUI default: true asedit.disableslots: description: Allows locking and unlocking the contents of an ArmorStand. When locked, armor and equipement can not be added or removed without unlocking it first. default: true asedit.update: description: Allows the checking for updates. default: false


#   ArmorStandEditor-Reborn   #

version: "1.19.2-38"

#----------- LANGUAGE
#Name of the language file you wish to use

#NOTE: If you are editing en_US.yml, it will not persist across restarts due to it being overwritten
#Please read the comments at the top of that file before editing/changing/modifying.
lang: en_US.yml

#Set this to allow your operators to get messages w.r.t Plugin updates
opUpdateNotification: false

#----------- TOOL SETTINGS

#Name of the edit tool's item Material. You can find a full list at https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/Material.html
tool: FLINT

#(Optional) data that the plugin looks for to identify the edit tool, such as the damage value of a sword or the pattern of sandstone.
requireToolData: false
toolData: 0

#(Optional) data that the plugin looks for to identify the name of the Edit Tool. Useful for Public Servers that do not want
#normal use of Flint to be impacted.
requireToolName: false
toolName: Example Name here

#(Optional) The first "Lore" entry that the plugin looks for to identify the edit tool.
requireToolLore: false
toolLore: Let's get dangerous

#(Optional) Allow the use of CustomModelData - NOTE: This looks at the editTool set by Config
#and at the Int set here to know what to set.

#Also please if you are using this, ensure that you also give people the ability asedit.give in
#order to allow them to change their edit
#tool for the right Custom Model Data
allowCustomModelData: false
customModelDataInt: 0


#How many rotations to make a full circle in Coarse adjustment mode
coarse: 12

#How many rotations to make a full circle in Fine adjustment mode
fine: 120

#Allow the option to toggle invisibility for ItemFrames and ArmorStand
#YOu can either use this or the below permissions to allow visibility changes
armorStandVisibility: true
invisibleItemFrames: true

#------ GUI Options

#If true, the GUI will only open if the player is sneaking
requireSneaking: false

#------ Misc Options

#(Optional) Glowing Item Frames Support for Item Frames in 1.17 - WILL NOT WORK IN 1.16 OR LOWER AND 1.17.1 OR HIGHER
#If true, players can make itemFrames glow by right-clicking with a Glow Ink Sac
glowingItemFrame: true

https://bstats.org/signatures/bukkit/ArmorStandEditor.svg Huge thank you for over 8k Downloads!


Published onJune 8, 2023
Supports Folia

Pinned Versions
