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A simple tablist plugin that is compatible with luckperms

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WTab (Paper only)

This is a simple tablist made for Wolkenlos.

Im still working on it, so its defentitly not finished yet.

It is an open-source plugin! Github

Support on Discord.


Only testet on 1.19.x - 1.20.x yet, but it should work on every version from 1.16.x - 1.20.x .


You can use this plugin without any of these requirements but I recomment them.

  • Luckperms - This plugin is compatible with luckperms, you are abled to edit the prefix of your luckperms ranks
  • MongoDB - When you use it, you can sync multiple servers tablist


Here is the config for this example

header: "<rainbow><bold>This is an exmaple <br><gradient:red:#0fa8fa><bold>that shows what is possible"
footer: "<yellow>Woo: <gradient:#5e4fa2:#f79459:red>||||||||||||||||||||||||</gradient>"


Here you will find all commands and their permission.

Main commands

  • /wtab list | exists | set | create | delete | header | footer - wtab.edit


  • /wtab list (-i | -inv) : shows you a list with all existing roles in their right order
  • /wtab exists (rank) : checks if a rank already exists
  • /wtab set (rank) (order | prefix) (value) : sets the order/prefix of an existing rank
  • /wtab create (rank) (order) (prefix) : creates a rank - only working when not using Luckperms
  • /wtab delete (rank) : deletes a rank - only working when not using Luckperms
  • /wtab header/footer (value) : sets the header/footer of the tablist


WTab doesn't support the standard color codes from minecraft like &a! WTab is using the Adventure color codes, because their color codes are way better and you will have a lot more options while customize your tablist. When you want to test it you can use Adventures Webeditor where you can try the new options of these color codes.


This allows you to use some placeholders to show variables like the amount of online players in your tablist.

Current placeholders:

  • %player% / %p% - displays the username of the player
  • %player_displayname% / %p_d% - displays the displayname of the player
  • %rank% / %r% - displays the rank of the player
  • %online_players% / %o_p% - displays the online players of the current server
  • %max_players% / %m_p% - displays the max players of the current server
  • %server_name% / %s_n% - displays the servername of the current server | only with BungeeCord
  • %<server_name% / %<s_n% - displays the servername of the current server but the first char is in uppercase | only with BungeeCord
  • %proxy_online_players% / %p_o_p% - displays the proxy online players | only with BungeeCord

if you have some more ideas for variables please contact me.


  • add MySQL support
  • Spigot/Bukkit Support



CategoryAdmin Tools
Published onJune 7, 2023

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