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Full claim system with PAPI, Dynmap, Bluemap, Vault and WorldGuard support! Settings, members, bans, economy
SimpleClaimSystem is a plugin allowing you to protect some chunks. The plugin is fully configurable! Check the config list just below to see the features!
- ✔ Protect chunks (claim/unclaim)
- ✔ Add/remove chunks to/from your claim
- ✔ Add/remove players to/from your claim
- ✔ Ban/unban players from your claim
- ✔ Kick players from your claim
- ✔ Merge claims
- ✔ Manage your claim settings
- ✔ Transfer ownership of your claim to someone
- ✔ Teleport to your claim
- ✔ Change the teleportation spawn of your claim
- ✔ Change the name of your claim
- ✔ Change the description of your claim
- ✔ Sell/buy claims
- ✔ See the borders of the claim with particles
- ✔ Claim fly
- ✔ Map of claims
- ✔ Auto-map
- ✔ Auto-claim
- ✔ Auto-fly
- ✔ Claim private chat
- ✔ GUI for your claims list
- ✔ GUI for all claims list
- ✔ GUI for your claims settings
- ✔ GUI to manage members
- ✔ GUI to manage bans
- ✔ GUI to manage chunks
- ✔ ADMIN GUIs to manage ALL
- ⚙️ Build protection
- ⚙️ Destroy protection
- ⚙️ Use buttons
- ⚙️ Use items (configurable in config.yml)
- ⚙️ Interact with blocks (configurable in config.yml)
- ⚙️ Use levers
- ⚙️ Use pressure plates
- ⚙️ Open doors
- ⚙️ Open trap doors
- ⚙️ Open fence gates
- ⚙️ Trigger tripwires
- ⚙️ Use repeaters/comparators
- ⚙️ Use bells
- ⚙️ Interact with entities (configurable in config.yml)
- ⚙️ Explosions (of any type: tnt, mobs, etc)
- ⚙️ Liquids (if external liquids can flow into the claim)
- ⚙️ Redstone (if external redstone can influence the claim)
- ⚙️ Frost walker
- ⚙️ Fire spread
- ⚙️ Teleportations
- ⚙️ Entity damage
- ⚙️ Enter (if players can enter physically into the claim)
- ⚙️ GuiTeleport (if players can teleport to your claims via /claims)
- ⚙️ Use portals
- ⚙️ Pickup items
- ⚙️ Drop items
- ⚙️ PvP
- ⚙️ Monsters (disable spawning of monsters)
- ⚙️ Weather (disable raining/snowing/thundering)
- ⚙️ Fly (if players can use claim fly)
- ⚙️ Elytra
- ⚙️ Destroy special blocks (check the documentation for more informations)
- ⚙️ Windcharges
- ✅ PlaceholderAPI support
- ✅ WorldGuard support
- ✅ Vault support
- ✅ Dynmap support
- ✅ Bluemap support
- ✅ Pl3xmap support
- ✅ GriefPrevention support
If you need some help, contact us on our discord or check the documentation !
- ✅ Change the language file
- ✅ Enable/Disable using database for claims
- ✅ Setup aliases for commands
- ✅ Setup auto-purge system to clean claims
- ✅ Setup claims system mode per world
- ✅ Set where the protection message is sent (action bar, title, subtitle, bossbar or chat)
- ✅ Enable/Disable if the server keeps the chunks loaded
- ✅ Setup max length for claim name & claim description
- ✅ Setup the invitations system (for adding members)
- ✅ Enable/Disable the confirmation to claim
- ✅ Enable/Disable the particles when claiming
- ✅ Enable/Disable the particles when a player tries to enter a claim that he's not suppose to ender
- ✅ Enable/Disable the deactivation of fly on damage
- ✅ Enable/Disable the auto-message of auto-fly
- ✅ Enable/Disable the actionbar messages when you enter/leave a claim
- ✅ Enable/Disable the title/subtitle messages when you enter/leave a claim
- ✅ Enable/Disable the chat messages when you enter/leave a claim
- ✅ Enable/Disable the economy system (sell/buy claims, maximum price for sales, claim cost, chunk cost, claim cost multiplier, chunk cost multiplier, use-formatted-number and sales announce settings)
- ✅ Enable/Disable the bossbar message when you are in a claim
- ✅ Setup the bossbar (color and style)
- ✅ Enable/Disable the moves on teleportations
- ✅ Set where the auto-map is sent (chat or scoreboard)
- ✅ Set the expulsion location (where the player is sent when banned/kicked from a claim)
- ✅ Setup Dynmap
- ✅ Setup Bluemap
- ✅ Setup Pl3xmap
- ✅ Setup the groups with permissions, max-claims, max-radius-claims, teleportation-delay, max-members, claim-cost and claim-cost-multiplier, max-chunks-per-claim, claim-distance, max-chunks-total, chunk-cost and chunk-cost-multiplier per group
- ✅ Setup players, max-claims, max-radius-claims, teleportation-delay, max-members, claim-cost and claim-cost-multiplier, max-chunks-per-claim, claim-distance, max-chunks-total, chunk-cost and chunk-cost-multiplier per player
- ✅ Enable/Disable settings (false = the player can't change the value in his claims)
- ✅ Change default values of settings (when a player create a claim, the settings will take these values)
- ✅ Change settings for the claims system mode SURVIVAL_REQUIRING_CLAIMS
- ✅ Custom the blocked items list (Only for the setting "Use items")
- ✅ Custom the blocked interact blocks list (Only for the setting "Interact with blocks")
- ✅ Custom the blocked entities list (Only for the setting "Interact with entities")
- ✅ Custom the special blocks list (Only for the setting "Special blocks")
- ✅ Custom the ignored break blocks list
- ✅ Custom the ignored place blocks list
You can buy me a coffee : https://paypal.me/xyness
Category | World Management |
Published on | April 8, 2024 |
License | MIT |
Downloads | 1,177 |
Stars | 10 |
Watchers | 6 |
Supports Folia
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