PlaceholderAPI extension for my velocity playtime plugin.
Simply add PlaytimeLink to your bukkit servers, download the new update for my velocity plugin, and the placeholders will start working immediately —no configuration required. (You only need to put the main playtime plugin to your velocity proxy, and this plugin only to your bukkit servers where you want placeholders.)
If you want to execute Rewards commands on the bukkit server, you'll need to add them in this plugin's config file.
Available Placeholders:
Individual Playtime:
- %VPTlink_playtime_years% - Playtime years of a player.
- %VPTlink_playtime_months% - Playtime months of a player.
- %VPTlink_playtime_weeks% - Playtime weeks of a player.
- %VPTlink_playtime_days% - Playtime days of a player.
- %VPTlink_playtime_hours% - Playtime hours of a player.
- %VPTlink_playtime_minutes% - Playtime minutes of a player.
- %VPTlink_playtime_seconds% - Playtime seconds of a player.
- --
- %VPTlink_playtime_totalyears% - Total playtime of a player in years.
- %VPTlink_playtime_totalmonths% - Total playtime of a player in months.
- %VPTlink_playtime_totalweeks% - Total playtime of a player in weeks.
- %VPTlink_playtime_totaldays% - Total playtime of a player in days.
- %VPTlink_playtime_totalhours% - Total playtime of a player in hours.
- %VPTlink_playtime_totalminutes% - Total playtime of a player in minutes.
- %VPTlink_playtime_totalseconds% - Total playtime of a player in seconds.
- %VPTlink_place% - Toplist position of the player.
Top Player Playtime:
- %VPTlink_playtime_topname1% - Username of the top player
- %VPTlink_playtime_toptime1_years% - Playtime years of the top player
- %VPTlink_playtime_toptime1_months% - Playtime months of the top player
- %VPTlink_playtime_toptime1_weeks% - Playtime weeks of the top player
- %VPTlink_playtime_toptime1_days% - Playtime days of the top player
- %VPTlink_playtime_toptime1_hours% - Playtime hours of the top player
- %VPTlink_playtime_toptime1_minutes% - Playtime minutes of the top player
- %VPTlink_playtime_toptime1_seconds% - Playtime seconds of the top player
- %VPTlink_playtime_topname2% ... etc. - Continue this pattern for each player on the toplist, total playtime can also be used here, like: %VPTlink_playtime_toptime1_totalhours%
Since v1.4.5, if you you wanna display playtime with hours as the max time format, like it used to be, you can do: %VPTlink_playtime_totalhours% hours %VPTlink_playtime_minutes% minutes %VPTlink_playtime_seconds% seconds for example. You can do the same pattern for any time unit you want to be the highest, you just need to put it as total, and the rest as normal.
Note: The plugin needs to be ran on Java 17 or newer.