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Will send your players notification when their item durability fall below the value specified in the config.

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DurabilityNotifier is a plugin which will help your players save their items. It will notify them when their items (armor, weapons, tools) fall below the value specified in the config.

Notify types

You can send message in chat or action bar and play the sound to player.

Everything is configurable

  1. You can edit every message which you or your players will se
  2. You can disable every notification type
  3. You can specify after which value notification would be trigerred
  4. Also you can send notification when item is broken


  1. I would recommend you to set "required-durability" as low as possible, because otherwise, the player may receive spam messages when, for example, he digs something.
  2. It would be better if you chose only 1 type of message notification + sound, if you want.


permission description default
durability.admin Access to admin commands op
durability.notify Allow to receive notifications true


command description
/durability admin reload Reload the config file
/durability admin set Set durability of item in hand to this value
/durability admin preview <damage/break> Preview the specified notification


Published onJanuary 29, 2025

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