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Craft ExplosiveArrows with TNT and Arrows!
No configuration required, just drag and drop!
(There are some advanced settings in the config.yml if you'd like to fine tune the plugin)

Permission | Description | Default |
explosivearrows.* | All permissions enabled | OP |
explosivearrows.reload | Reload the config file using the command /explosivearrows:reload | OP |
explosivearrows.credits | View the plugin credits by using the command /explosivearrows | true |
explosivearrows.craft | Permission to craft ExplosiveArrows in a crafting table | true |
explosivearrows.use | Permission to shoot ExplosiveArrows out of a bow | true |
If you have any issues please report them on the GitHub page! https://github.com/blu-jay/ExplosiveArrows
Please consider dropping a star on the github and here on hangar!
Note: This plugin uses bStats for anonymized usage statistics
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